Local News

Mr. Francis Alexis concerned About the Non Appointment of A Governor General

 St. George’s, Grenada November 21st, 2008:  Prime Minister of Grenada Hon Tillman Thomas says that the situation surrounding the vacancy of the Office of the Governor General will be settled soon.  However, top Grenadian Constitutional lawyer Dr. Francis Alexis says he has serious concerns about the sloppy way the Tillman Thomas Administration is handling the matter.

According to Prime Minister Thomas, as far as he is concerned the Queen is the Head of State and the Governor General is only her representative.

But the constitutional lawyer explains that the day-to-day carrying out of the Head of State functions pertaining to the exercise of the executive authority of the State requires that, as the Constitution says, there shall be a Governor-General. To expect Her Majesty to perform those functions daily for Grenada, compromises the requirement that there be a Governor-General and violates the spirit of the Constitution, and discredits the independence enshrined in the Constitution.

Alexis says the manner in which the Government is operating as it relates to this issue does not look businesslike and it does not instill confidence.  He said the Government could have explored different options including asking former Governor General, Sir Daniel Williams to stay on until a new Governor General was appointed, or having someone act in the interim.



  1. spiceman,you are oviously against the man. Take a look at that rich country call Russia and see what it’sleader did ,now, brother Tilly has taken over a MESS and some things have to go undone,so that the important things CAN get done.
    If Dr Alexis feels he is up to the job then let him be MAN enough to ask for it in a bipartisian way and show support for the country then and only then blame can we lay blaim for failures.

  2. Well articulated Dr Alexis.
    It is amusing to say the least. The new government looks unprepared and even callus about this issue. And to think that there are several Lawyers among the cabinet members who should show more integrity and class. Not a good sight for budding politicians.
    But then again, as this short history has shown, this government lacks substance and sound judgment.
    Uncle Tilly, stop the travel spree and get to the business of governing. Unless you think that you only have 4 years so you should make hay while the sun shine.