In recent times, there has been a growing discussion surrounding the government’s biweekly payment to public workers in Grenada. Unfortunately, some misleading information has been circulating, suggesting that receiving biweekly payments equates to receiving monthly payments twice. These deceptive claims have been propagated by supporters of the New National Party […]
Saundra Thomas, formerly mounts formidable campaign for City Council in the 40th District
Saundra Thomas, formerly VP of Community Affairs at WABC TV has mounted a formidable campaign for City Council in the 40th District. Despite her long career there, she has taken the giant step of moving out of the corporate sector where she was able to serve the community, and throwing […]
Keith Claudius Mitchell was born to Dowlyn and Catherine Mitchell in Brizan, St. George on November 12, 1946. He received his primary education at the Happy Hill R.C. School and the J.W. Fletcher Memorial School. He went on to the Presentation Brothers College then to the University of the West […]
Ruling party’s election campaign trouble reported
St. George’s, January 31, 2013 – All is reported not to be well in the political campaign of the incumbent National Democratic (NDC), which is seeking reelection at polls scheduled for February 19.
Welcoming leadership scrutiny
St. George’s, May 27, 2012 – Prime Minister Tillman Thomas claims that he has no difficulty with anyone trying to replace him as leader, but says it should be done “legitimately.’’
By their Fruits We Shall Know Them
I was fortunate to be trained by an old Englishman whose way of resolving any conflict regarding the meaning of a word was to whip out the Dictionary.
Infighting leaves feeling of betrayal, says Sports Minister
St. George’s, May 3, 2012 – Grenada’s Sports Minister Patrick Simmons is not happy with the infighting and dissension in the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and government. “I feel a great sense of betrayal,’’ Simmons said in a television news interview Wednesday. The former school principal entered politics for the […]
Grenada Tourism Minister Peter David resigns
St. George’s, April 30, 2012 – Government MP Peter David has resigned as Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture. David tendered his resignation Monday morning during a meeting of cabinet ministers chaired by Prime Minister Tillman Thomas. “I was pushed into having to take this decision after the Prime […]
MP Joseph Gilbert holding constituency meeting
St. George’s, January 24, 2012 – Hundreds of residents of St. Patrick West are expected to attend a meeting on Thursday, January 26, with their parliamentary representative, Hon. Joseph Gilbert.
Grenada supports Palestinian UN membership application
St. George’s, October 6, 2011 (GIS) – An application by the Palestinian people for full membership and international recognition within the United Nations has received the support of the Government of Grenada.
NDC – Going forward with united sense of purpose
St. George’s, March 27, 2011 – A senior member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has said that as the party reaches its halfway point in government and heads into another general election, it needs “to go forward with a united sense of purpose.’’
Tuesday 22nd March 2011: The Opposition New National Party has staged a successful 25th Annual Convention on Sunday at the St Andrew Anglican Secondary School, Telescope St. Andrew. The 2011 convention was held under the theme: “NNP working with the people to rescue Grenada. There were no major changes to […]
NNP Perspective – NDC – The National Demolition Congress – Part 1
For the last sixteen months, the NDC (National Demolition Congress) has been on the rampage leaving many Grenadians to describe this period as the worse era in the lives of Grenadians. No event, no disaster and certainly no past administration have wrecked such havoc upon the people as this present […]
Another Embarrassment
Friday December 11th, 2009, St. George’s: The New National Party sees the Sun Wing fiasco as another embarrassment caused by the NDC Government. There is no excuse for the way this important inaugural flight from Toronto to Grenada was handled.
NNP Perspective – A Government cannot Govern on lies
Our new discussion forum in now up please check us out The NDC continues in it’s efforts to deceive the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique to win the last general elections, did not realize that you can lie to get into office but you cannot govern effectively and […]