Local News, Politics

Grenada supports Palestinian UN membership application

St. George’s, October 6, 2011 (GIS) – An application by the Palestinian people for full membership and international recognition within the United Nations has received the support of the Government of Grenada.

Grenada’s position was conveyed in a letter from Prime Minister, Honourable Tillman Thomas, to His Excellency Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

“I am happy to indicate, Excellency, that Grenada supports Palestine’s application for full United Nations Membership,’’ Prime Minister Thomas said in the letter.

“The sustained efforts of the Palestinian people for self-determination,’’ the Prime Minister added, “are indicative of the strength and resilience of a proud people ready to embrace the responsibilities of membership in the United Nations. On behalf of the Government and people of Grenada, I wish you success at all levels with this initiative.’’

Prime Minister Thomas noted that stance taken by Grenada is consistent with its approach to the issue of self-determination.

“The Government of Grenada supports the self-determination of peoples everywhere, and their just aspirations to chart a course towards building a sustainable democracy responsive to their needs,’’ Hon. Thomas said. “We believe that this aspiration, as embraced by the Palestinian people, is worthy of support.’’

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