The Grenada National Trust made a presentation to Cabinet on April 4th, 2011, as a means of strengthening the partnership between government and the body responsible for heritage matters on the island.
In November 2010, following the Tri-centennial celebrations, a vigorous effort was made to resuscitate the Trust. An AGM was held at the National Museum, and a new executive was elected with a membership base of 40 persons established. :
The presentation revealed the National Trust’s Work Plan for 2011, which included components of public awareness, documentation of studies undertaken, and continuation of the national inventory of heritage sites, as mandated by the Act, Ordinance #20 of 1967, that established the Trust.
Members of the public are invited to join the Grenada National Trust Facebook page for the latest on the activities of the Trust.
The members of the new executive are as follows: Roger Byer, President, Michael Kirton, First Vice President, Gordon de la Mothe, First Vice President, Darryl Brathwaite, Honorary Treasurer, Pancy Cross Honorary Secretary, Angela Welch, Floor Member, Anthony Grandy, Floor Member, John Albanie, Floor Member, Peter Wallace, Floor Member, and Government Representatives, Arlene Kirkpatrick and Michele Greaves-Warrick.
Submitted by the Grenada National Trust Executive Committee.
In Photo from Left to Right, Daryl Brathwaite, Angela Welch, Anthony Grandy, Honorable Prime Minister Tillman Thomas, Roger Byer and Michael Jessamy.