Who or what is next?
With each passing day of this NDC government in office, we are being treated to more surprises and shocks from the uttering, actions and behavior of members of the Government and their associates.
Among the many we have witnessed so far is the treatment meted out to the former Prime Minister, Dr. The Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, the day after the election, while he was still the Prime Minister. He was stripped of his security and vehicles in the most disrespectful, inhumane and embarrassing way. No one should wish this for any Prime Minister of this country. Then there was the hijacking of his passport with his valid visas, an action which no other Prime Minister in this country has had to experience and hopefully none in the future will have. The illegal arrest and detention of the former Director of Public Prosecution and Special Advisor to the Cabinet Mr. Hugh Wildman was another classic, and so too were the statements made by the Finance Minister that there is no money in the treasury and that the country’s finances is in a mess. These statements and actions leave you to wonder if there can be anything worse to come.
But the latest fiasco and attack on the former Prime Minister should not surprise anyone, as worse came. The government stated categorically “Dr. Mitchell is a citizen of the United States of America”, despite repeated pronouncement by Dr. Mitchell that he is not. One would think that rational, right thinking men and women would ensure that they were absolutely correct, before exposing their ignorance to the entire world.
The Attorney General is continuing to embarrass the Government and Grenada, with shallow intellectual reasoning and extreme hatred, envy and bias. Anyone occupying this responsible position should know that a letter from a low level staff member within a department in the United States cannot be taken as official communication between the US and that Government. He should also know that such communiqué should come from the State Department through the US Representative either here in Grenada or in Barbados. What has compounded this situation even more is the attack on the United States legitimate representative Karen Jo Mc Isaac when she was only performing her government’s work. This is quite shocking. To have a well known unsavory and desperate character who is an advisor to the government, attacking the United States of America, is unacceptable. This individual should be fired and or disciplined immediately.
The fact that so many Government and NDC operatives were prepared to call into question the legitimate right of Dr Mitchell to sit in parliament without proof, shows the extent to which hatred, envy, malice extends. It exposes the main objective of the NDC which is to get rid of Dr. Keith Mitchell at any cost. What is unfortunate is that in their quest to destroy a man they are prepared to destroy innocent people and to even destroy an entire country. It shows clearly that the leadership of the NDC has no real interest in Grenada and its people; they care only about their egos.
While people through out the country are crying out for jobs, for food, and for support services, this Government is becoming very popular for their attack on citizens who are perceived to be opposed to them. They are becoming very popular for their attack on foreign investors and local business persons thereby destroying the investment climate and destroying job opportunities for the unemployed; they are also becoming popular for their attack on Her Majesty’s Opposition and diplomats. The question is, what and who is next? Your answer is as good as ours. We therefore have to be extremely careful, as there might be only one thing left for them to do. Let us not believe they will not think about it or do it.