St. George’s, February 24, 2011 (GIS) – A series of measures is being taken to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Physical Planning Unit (PPU), a government minister has announced.
Joseph Gilbert, Minister of Works, Physical Development and Public Utilities, said the measures include a proposal to fill vacant job positions at the Unit.
“We are hoping that cabinet would give approval for the appointment of several persons to fill posts that have been vacant for quite some time,’’ he said.
“As you are aware, the Physical Planning Unit ensures that plans are approved before any construction starts. In this period, when the construction sector is stressed, we need to ensure that the speed at which plans are approved is such that it would not hinder physical work starting on the ground.’’
The Physical Planning Unit is also to be relocated, said Minister Gilbert.
“The workers are going to be moved pretty shortly to new accommodation on the Lagoon Road, in the GCNA building,’’ he said.
The Physical Planning Unit is housed at the wooden ARD building at the Botanical Gardens, St. George’s.
But Mr. Gilbert has described the working conditions at the ARD building as “unsustainable’’ for staff.
“We needed to relocate them to a more convenient place to work,’’ he explained.
The overall objective, said Mr. Gilbert, is to get the Physical Planning Unit to be more “effective and efficient.’’