Local News

Rising Prices

St. George’s, Grenada, March 16th 2011:  The Opposition New National Party  is very disturbed with Government’s total lack of concern for the effect of rising prices on the population, particularly the poor and vulnerable. The prices of food items and energy in particular, have been steadily climbing, exposing the NDC election campaign propaganda that it was the NNP administration which was responsible for the high prices and that NDC will immediately reduce prices if voted into office. According to the former Agriculture Minister Gregory Bowen, NDC lacks the capacity to coordinate the regional efforts required to bring relief to Grenadians in respect of food and other prices as was done by the NNP led by former Prime Minister Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell in 2007.

“When oil prices escalated in 2005/2006, the New National Party Administration moved swiftly to cushion the effect of fuel and LPG prices on consumers by persuading the importers and distributors to share the burden of smoothing the price hikes with government ,” Bowen, who also held the Energy portfolio, said. This mechanism enabled the price of LPG to remain stable and within the reach of ordinary Grenadians unlike today when many families have to revert to firewood while they pay VAT, the proceeds of which are used by this NDC Administration to enjoy extensive and unproductive travel, and to pay their family and friends massive salaries for unproductive or no work at all.

Meanwhile not only vehicle owners and commuters are suffering from the high fuel costs, but also businesses large and small. Hotels are making huge losses because of the high costs of electricity since they have to absorb the costs in order to remain competitive and attract guests. Hotel workers are therefore faced with the threat of continued rotation and further loss of jobs while a large number of homes and small businesses remain disconnected.

The NNP Opposition therefore calls on the Government to work with GRENLEC and Texaco to reduce the price of electricity and cooking gas as well as to cushion the impact of steep rises on consumers. The New National Party stands ready to assist in reducing the effects of high prices if requested by the Government.


  1. And…to continue to refer to (deleted) Louis Vitton Keith Mitchell as “right and honorable” seems not just a farce but an absolute absurity.!!! When will the people rise up and demand that justice be served!!!

  2. It is apparent that the NNP is still delusional, uninformed, and continuing their reliance on mis-educating the populous. Are they in any way aware of what has ocurred in the world (factors that actually do affect global pricing) since they thankfully lost the election.

    Their tactics of propoganda serve to incite outrage against their opposition, not seek solution, as they are not interested in bettering the lives of the Grenadian people, only resecuring their position of authority for self-serving purposes. Shame on you NNP. Let us pray that we Grenadians are not dumb enough to fall for your disingenious scheming.

  3. Not just Grenada. All over food, gas, rent is all on the rise.