November 3rd, 2011, St. George’s Grenada: Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, Dr the Rt. Hon Keith Mitchell is calling on the Prime Minister to immediately announce a Government Policy on overseas travel. The former Prime Minister said this has become necessary in light of the promise of transparency, accountability and good governance made by the NDC Government; the inability of the Government to provide basic services and meet the social needs of the people of the country; and Government’s excessive spending on overseas travel at a time when the country can least afford it.
The Opposition Leader says it is obvious that the Tillman Thomas administration has not yet come to terms with the realty facing Grenada at this time. He said the economic catastrophe facing the country is making it impossible for the average Grenadian to cope. However, he added that the NDC seem not to consider this, as Ministers of Government, close friends and Government Officials continue to recklessly and insensitively increase the budget for overseas travel.
The Member of Parliament for St. George North West has pointed to the insensitive actions of the Government claiming that during this week almost 50% of the Government Ministers were overseas. “Just imagine this week seven Ministers of Government were out of State at the same time. Who is giving leadership and direction to this country?” He added. Dr. Mitchell further stated that it is well known that while the Government claims that it is unable to meet basic financial commitments, Ministers continue to claim thousands of dollars from the Government for expenses they do not incur on such trips including the cost of accommodation. “The Government has been spending millions of dollars on overseas travel at a time when children are unable to go to school and parents are unable to put food on the table.”
Dr. Mitchell added that while some leaders in the region including those from Jamaica, St. Lucia and St. Vincent chose not to attend the Heads of Government Meeting in Australia, our Prime Minister saw it necessary to spend thousands of dollars on that trip which is not likely to bear any significant fruits for the country. Since the NDC assumed office, the Opposition has been raising concerns about the Government’s travel bill and the fact that no official announcements are made prior to Ministers travel nor on their return. He explained “I believe the country has a right to know what benefits have been derived in the last three years from travels amounting to over three million dollars. If the Government is serious about stimulating the economy and helping Grenadians to survive the economic situation now facing the country, the Government must set its priorities right. They must cut down on the frequent joy rides and adopt a policy that will clearly spell out the terms and conditions under which Ministers will travel.”