Thousand of Grenadians are celebrating the NDC victory tonight all over the island. There are reports of large crowds in St. John’s, Grenville, St. George’s and St. David’s. The biggest casualty of the election was deputy Prime Minister Gregory Bowen who lost to new comer Pastor Carl Hood.
NDC will finish with 12 seats and NNP 3 seats. With the St. Andrew’s North East in doubt and may change tomorrow.
NDC: St. Patrick’s West, St. Patrick’s East, St. John’s, St. Andrew’s North West, St. Andrew’s South West, St. Andrew’s South East, St. Andrew’s North East, St. David’s, St. George South, St. George North East, St. George South East, and the Town of St. George.
NNP: St. George’s North West, St. Mark’s, and Carriacou. It is expected that the Governor General will swear in Mr. Tillman Thomas as the next Prime Minister sometime tomorrow. .
I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the NDC on such a splendid win and to say how proud I am as a Grenadian residing in Montreal that I am pleased with the manner in which Grenadians conducted themselves during election time. Too often we hear about the violence which occurs during electionnairing and the efforts by many to deny others their democratic right of vote/choice. Grenadians did great!
The outgoing NNP government did some good work to move the country forward but there were lots of areas which should have been given priority and were not. NNP’s legacy will be put in its proper place in due time.
Come on NDC – the wind of change was long coming and it is time for you to take up the mantle and put in place some of your progressive plans which formed your platform. We know it will not be done overnight and it is not easy to take up the reigns and move forward but with the strong NNP team and the confidence of the Nation the wind should take the Country to higher heights.
Congratulations and God’s graces!
grenada a little island of great distinction, has shown once again the true meaning of demorcracy, one for all and all for one.and the people spoke with a majority voice, thats the power of people standing together as one to right a wrong. they have spoken. now the leadership must embrace and choose the people most qualified to run this country,but they must have the characteristics of the people first mentality.they must respect the people, show love and apeasement in all their action, when dealing with the public. The government should stop all government, police and who ever working for the government from wearing military caouflague uniforms at the airport or any place in grenada. we r not a military country and we should not give that look. a police uniform looks very nice any place in grenada. lets bring it back to that
police officers, customs officers and immigration officers should be given better training in dealing with the public and it should not be about who has the power, we all know who has the power,its about apeasement to the public. its not always the written law but the guidelines and flexibility that the law gives u wen dealing wid the public . i fully supports the party who won and wished them gods blessing in all their endeavours in trying to make the people of grenada happy.
I like to take this apportunity to congratulate the NDC on their victory. I notice that there are plenty negitive words and people using words not fit to publish. I will say we have to give them a chance to build g/da because we really have to clean up the mess the the past government leave.
dye dye plesae use your dictionary next time u want to post a comment and lastly grenadians are not ungrateful, they wanted a change and they get it.
Grenada will rise again just wait and see. We will have a better Grenada.
Lets hope that the NDC will try and do better. The nnp was for only the nnp, that is not the way to run a country, they have to love people. It was time for a change. The people wanted the change and they got it!!!. Now Its all left to NDC to do better for ALL of us and not just some.
Do they really think that change is goingto happen overnight? It takes a while. Dr.Mitchell and his administation was the one who developed Grenada into what it is today. I was so pleased to see the developments when I visited last year. Grenada has really came a long way. While I respect a person’s political choice all I have to say is,Good luck to all you ungrateful Grenadians I hope that you won’t be crying out too soon.
i also hope that the wind haven’t change for the worst of this island not only to the island but to the people of grenada all i can say may God have mercy on this land
i do hope that carl hood don’t disappoint the people the people who supported him
grenadian u all wanted changes’ well changes is here i hope u all can handle all the changes u get’ another revo is soon to come’ grenadian is to damn ungreatful. take in all u ass when the chrises com .it not gonna be better than wat u had god bless all u stupied asses”
No! Grenada will not be the same, we are hoping for better. Forward Ever!
Remember there are many cleaning up to do and NDC will have to wear gloves and mask…but I think that they are a people’s party and they want to see better for their people……
We cannot always depend on the Gov’t to do everything, we have to help ourselves too, in the process of trying to make the country a better place for us and the little ones that are on their way up……times have change and we have to change with the times but we should never forget where we came from and what hard work is about……Remember the saying “Each one teach one”
We should not be so dishearted about NDC being in power, we the people have the power in our hands….if we put them there and they are not living up to their promises or not doing good by us, we could always take them out of there…..please people don’t sell yourselves short, we are all important to the process, just let you voice be heard……
AH…d best is gone…d best jus arrive…u go c all d changes go b made 2 grenada…itz b 16 years of struggle tryin 2 economize grenada…itz time 4 a change…YELLOW YELLOW…and to d person dat commented b4 i have a question….where d money go..???
Change is good! Keith and Gregory started running Grenada like their homes. Spending whatever, whenever. I was hoping that by the second term Keith would have his pockets filled and focus on the country. But as the saying goes: More the devil has, more he wants.
It’s a new era of bubbul. New pockets to fill. Old politricks to remain. I sincerely hope that people don’t expect instant turnaround of our economy. Right now, we are a mess. Despite the politically charged promises made by NDC, Grenada needs time to pick up the pieces and trod. Be patient with the new administration.
Forward ever Grenada!
Grenadians,i hope u all can hold up to what you all just did.The best is gone and i can hope for better but given the experience,education,and marketing that DR.Keith did and was criticize for i don’t think MY HOMELAND GRENADA will ever be the same.
To God be the glory……..
He saw we needed change and his mighty hand worked
Farewell Dr Mitchell…….
Liberation day is finally here it was long overdue. Let the peoples voices be heard.
Well, this is certainly trying time, I hope that the promises that NDC made to the people of Grenada are genuine. I hope they don`t tell the people that it takes time for things to get to where it should be. Because we were promised that the former government was the reason for many of the hardship we were facing. I wish them well and hope that those promisses made are fulfilled.
A change is coming. NDC has won and is here to do some good for the grenadian people
i hope they do better only time go tell.It the same damn thing.