Dear editor,
There is a general feeling by many objective and fair-minded people both home and abroad that the New national Party is still in charge of the country while the National Democratic Congress who is supposed to be governing is proving to be totally bankrupt of ideas and vision hence the country is placed between a rock and a green heart tree.
The sad and unfortunate irony of the situation is however, that whilst the leader of the official Opposition NNP Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell and his team are constantly critical and outspoken against the harsh, vindictive, and regressive policies and decisions which the NDC administration is continuously creating, developing and implementing on the population, and at the same time offering them critically sound, constructive, and logical advice and ideas that could and should propel our country out of this social and economic tomb of doom and misery in which it is totally entrenched at this present time, we see that the government is sadly and woefully sticking to its destructive path and trying to vindicate itself by applying the “Blame Game Theory.”
In other words whenever the sad results of their negative decisions are felt by the people, their line of defence and excuse is as usual “It was because of the NNP.” We must remember, however, that the only thing to stand the test of time is the truth.
Was it the NNP who cold-heartedly cancelled many if not all of the social programmes that it implemented before the last general elections of July 8, 2008, such as the food baskets for the elderly and poor unfortunate mothers, free milk for babies and children under five years; free school books, uniforms, and transportation fares for the less fortunate school children of our nation; the Imani programmme that was so economically vital and psychologically crucial for the thousands of school leavers who found it difficult to find jobs? And one can go on and on and on!
Who cancelled the Grenada Grand Beach/Lewis Hamilton transaction; the CCC farm roads contract which subsequently placed over four hundred workers and their families on the breadline; caused the delays into the unforeseeable future of the Grenville market and Greater Grenville Projects which should have commenced since in August of 2008; and the worst and most heartless of all – the reduction of $10.00 per day in the wages of the debushing and drain-clearing crews who, except for NDC party hawks, now receive employment on average of two fortnights per year.
Fortunately for the Grenadian people, the truth shall set us free. While this could take some time during which all of us continue to suffer, justifiably unfortunate for the NDC government, their sympathizers, apologists, and propagandists, time and the truth are slowly catching up with and exposing you.
Paul Gittens (Mr. Simplicity)