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Students told maintain GBSS “legacy’’

PHOTO (L-R): Minister Peter David; PRO Amanda Parke; Project Coordinator Vivienne McGuire-James; Association President Kenroy Gordon; and GBSS Head Master, Phillip Thomas.
PHOTO (L-R): Minister Peter David; PRO Amanda Parke; Project Coordinator Vivienne McGuire-James; Association President Kenroy Gordon; and GBSS Head Master, Phillip Thomas.

St. George’s, July 8, 2011 – Students at Grenada’s oldest high school have are being urged to maintain the long and rich history of the institution.

“We ask that you wear the uniform with dignity and pride,’’ students at the Grenada Boys’ Secondary School (GBSS) were told during the school’s final assembly on Friday.

The appeal to the students was made by Kenroy Gordon, President of the GBSS Alumni Association in Toronto, Canada. He was presenting 14 new desktop computers to the GBSS Learning Resource Centre (LRC), which includes a library.

The association has adopted the LRC as a project to provide students with full access to a variety of tools in Information and Communication Technology.

Officials of the association say that “when completed, the GBSS Learning Resource Centre will have an integrated complement of print and electronic resources.’’

The LRC, they added, “will significantly contribute to the institution’s technology capacity to meet the challenges of this technological age, and the ability to function effectively in the Caribbean region and the globally.’’

The project, which was officially launched in 2009, is supported by the Government of Grenada, the locally-based GBSS Governing Body and the Old Boys’ Association, as well as by different alumni associations and former students living in the Diaspora.

Friday’s computer presentation was attended by the Alumni Association’s LRC Project Coordinator, Vivienne McGuire-James; Public Relations Officer of the Association, Amanda Parke; and former student Peter David, Member of Parliament for Town of St. George and Minister of Tourism.

Mr. Gordon encouraged the students to embrace the “lifelong lessons’’ and the discipline of school and life learnt at GBSS, and to “maintain the legacy of this great institution.’’

MP David, describing himself as a “proud’’ GBSS alumnus, congratulated the Alumni Association on making the donation and “for doing a wonderful job.’’

He said more donations from other former students would allow GBSS to “continue to be a great institution.’’

Mr. David said donations from groups and individuals benefit the broader the society, since they allow government to invest its limited resources in other areas of needs.

The Minister implored returning students to enjoy their holidays but also prepare themselves for September and the back to school, where they ought to work hard.

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