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Public discussions on the proposed Economic Union

St. George’s, February 20, 2009 (GIS) – Grenada will soon be embarking on public discussions on the proposed Economic Union between the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States and Trinidad and Tobago.
 Foreign Affairs Minister Peter David says the exercise will be launched in St. George’s?? at ceremony that will include Grenada’s Prime Minister Honourable Tillman Thomas, as well as leaders from other regional countries.
 Mr. David, speaking at a recent post-cabinet briefing, invited all nationals to participate in the discussions on the OECS/Trinidad economic union.
 “What we hope to do is have a very public launch of this initiative,” said the Foreign Affairs Minister. “We hope to have a launch where all our people are invited, where they can come and participate and listen to what is the OECS Union.”
 Mr. David, who is also Tourism Minister, said government wants to sensitize people on the need for the union, especially as a measure for dealing with the current global economic and financial crisis.
 “We believe all our people, including our farmers and our commercial vendors, will be affected by it. Therefore after the public launch, we expect that we will go around the island to have public consultations with our people,” the minister said.
  Grenada first opened talks on the proposed economic union during an official visit to Trinidad last year by Prime Minister Thomas and Foreign Minister David.

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