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Promotion for Grenada to be year-round cruise destination

Grenada is seeking to promote itself as a year-round cruise destination, and also trying to secure additional employment for Grenadians on tourist boats.

The country continues to benefit from record numbers of cruise ship arrivals during the winter period; but tourism officials are currently meeting with decision-makers in the United States in an effort to attract increased calls during the summer months.

A delegation, headed by Tourism Minister Peter David, is attending the annual Sea Trade Summit in Miami, Florida. 

Minister David says Grenada’s participation is critical in ensuring year-round employment for people working in the local tourism sector.

Should government’s attempts succeed, it would be welcomed by tourism partners, including taxi-drivers and vendors, who have been clamouring for many years for more off-season visits by tourist liners.

The Sea Trade Summit, from March 13 – 17, is the world’s most important and largest annual meeting for the cruise industry.

Minister David and his team are also using the meeting to explore opportunities for the expanding of the hotel industry, which will in turn mean more airlift into the country.

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