Local News

Open Letter to the Minister of Communications; MWAG, National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission

I happened to be listening to an internet radio station live from Grenada on June 9, 2010 at about 10.00pm. I found that the local calypso music was sounding real good, but at one point the on air personality became very troubling, distasteful and inappropriate for a listening audience including young minds.

 That station, to me, tries to sell its brand as a product to our young adults over the public airway. As an on-air personality, one should have a responsibility to be responsible.  You are perceived to be an adult who, one would think is sensitive to what thoughts, suggestions and images you communicate over the airways.

 No individual should have to beg a station to exhibit a moral consciousness and wisdom to be entertaining or funny without being tasteless and vulgar while young and vulnerable minds are listening. 

 Who knows how many 10, 12 or 13 or even 16 year olds were listening to that show? It was late, yes, but some minors do listen to radio until they go to sleep.

 The other concern I have is this: what was going on in another listener’s mind, imagining hearing publicly on the said internet station – “Yeah, some gal should get a box left, right and center, no bredrin, me cyan take on them f……. dey noe”.  
In this day and age we all should be about the cultivation of our youth’s character, civility and sense of community, particularly in these critical times. What you do , what we ALL do, has profound impact on the minds and behavior of those we serve. It is our moral duty to inspire appropriate, responsible and civic behavior by those over whom we have influence.  
I am now calling on the minister of government responsible for communications, the Conference of Churches, civic organisations trade unions and the executive of the local media association to organise an Anti-Vulgarity Campaign, with the hope that our radio personalities will, in the future, exhibit restraint.

 What a Shame!  

 Grenadian Listener who cares,

Brooklyn, NY

One Comment

  1. you need to have more than one top show on the radio lot’s 0f things grenadian would like to talk about one top show a day is not enough too much reggae music you have to play more grenada calypso please invite the prime minister on the radio station at least twice a month take some question from the caller.