The New National Party is very concerned with the top heavy, government that has emerged merely a month after the National Democratic Congress assumed the mantle of leadership in Grenada. The first sign of the top heavy government appeared only days after the election when 16 Ministers were sworn into completely new Government Ministries.
Prime Minister Tillman Thomas has consistently said that he and his administration are committed to the principles of good governance. Yet so far, it appears as though there is a disconnect between principle and practice, as the new Administration barrels into changes that lack even the most basic elements of good management practice.
The Government has continued to appoint Advisors, while firing scores of productive young employees and contract workers. These employees were productive members of Government, with a full slate of responsibilities, many of whom served the Nation with distinction. Most of the employees that have been sent home were making small salaries that were supporting themselves and their families in a month-to-month existence that was getting increasingly difficult while the cost of living has skyrocketed globally.
The New National Party has been informed that many of these employees did not have their performance reviewed as was promised by the NDC during elections; they were not given notice; and some have not yet received pay. This has a tremendously negative effect on people (and their families) who expected to keep their jobs when the NDC promised to retain people on the basis of performance.
For these people, their financial prospects are dire indeed: Jobs are already scarce; the cost of living is soaring; and now the Government has flooded the labour market by dismissing so many people at once it leaves little hope of these people finding news jobs. Thrusting people into this kind of economic hardship without warning at this critical juncture in our history simply because of their perceived political affiliation is nothing short of cruel.
These people did not occupy jobs for the sake of having them; and if some of them were perceived to be supporting the New National Party it would have been prudent to give them the opportunity to demonstrate their professionalism before terminating their employment. The NNP led Government maintained a large number of known NDC supporters without penalizing them for their political affiliation by removing their employment.
Attorney General, Jimmy Bristol for example, has prioritized creating yet another Senior Government post, hiring more staff and paying higher wages for his office while the Finance Minister complains about the financial constraints faced by the country. Meanwhile, hiring more Lawyers and Advisors while thrusting honest, hardworking employees to the street despite the Prime Minister’s promises to review the performance of staff before dismissing anyone – reveals shocking contradictions within Government far too soon after elections.
Already, employees in Ministries that have a profound impact on the wellbeing of the people are complaining that morale is very low.
One unionized employee who admitted to voting for change, confessed under the condition of anonymity, “I thought we needed a change, but I didn’t think it would be like this. I didn’t think it would be so bad. People are coming to work and doing nothing”.
It will not take long before these mistakes will spiral out of control. Of course, it is expected that there will be changes when a new Government assumes power, but what is taking place now goes beyond historical precedent.
Change that is meaningful, sustainable and positive does not happen overnight and this gun-shot restructuring of Government Ministries, top heavy spending, and radical staffing changes are a formula that threatens to reverse a lot of gains the Nation has made in recent years if left unchecked. Therefore the Opposition is urging the new Government to give more consideration to their management decisions, and follow the age old words of wisdom: “Look before you leap”.
I think that Government personnel should look and see if those persons hired under the NNP are performing well or if they are not producing before they send the people home. Life is hard and its really sad for Government to be sending people home. Sometimes we opt for changes, but it affects us in the long run.
What the PM should do is try to see what he and his team can do to help Grenada, not send home people.
Spiceman, is it not the same thing if the NDC brings it chosen people..”friends,family, buddy”? wouldn’t the NNP have to clean up the mess when they return to lead the country again? This victimisation has to stop, people have their families to support, what the Government should do is get down to business and stop looking at affiliations…
I am sure lots of people have regrets already.
Are these mere allegations of victimizations or do we have facts to support? Then tell us of the individuals who have been victimized.
Grenada needs to settle down and the government needs to tackle with great thought and priority the issues of every day life for our people.
I agree that every new administration will ultimately have its plans and there will be need for change in some personnel, however, appointments which were made for the sake of “friends, family and buddy” must be abolished.
SO who can blame any administration for cleaning u a “mess” created by another administration?