Local News


Fellow citizen’s ladies and gentlemen. I wish to extend greetings and God’s blessings for a happy and productive new year. I see the year 2009 as one of hope and new beginnings. New beginnings, as we pursue the implementation of our many plans and programmes for the various sectors of our economy.
 As we commence this new year, we must recognize and fully appreciate the many challenges that we need to overcome. The world is in economic crisis and no one is immune from the resultant consequences.
 Every one is being prudent, reformulating their plans, readjusting their budgets and attempting to become more efficient and productive. This means that there may be less assistance, grants and foreign aid to go around. This also means that as a country, we must look inwards and begin to do things better.
 We have to take full control of our local situation. We have to utilize our local resources, become more innovative, more resilient and productive. These actions are absolutely necessary if we are to position our selves to quickly maximize the many opportunities when the world rebounds from this crisis.
 In 2009 we must strengthen our productive sectors like Agriculture. We must begin to supplement our income by eating what we grow and growing what we eat. We must ensure that we lower our food import bill by utilizing what we have in Grenada and finding ways to process the extras and export it to other countries, especially to our friends and family in the Diaspora.
 At the same time, the need to rebuild our nutmeg and cocoa industries is compelling. Our replanting programme must be accelerated if we are to regain our competitive edge and benefit from our tested competence and market dominance.
 We must find creative ways to strengthen the link between our agriculture and tourism sectors. Grenada must become known for our spicy local cuisine, our friendliness and hospitality and our unique local heritage. The total Grenada experience must be unforgettable and enduring.
 Similarly during the year 2009, we must begin to pursue the various market niches as identified by our export strategy and to further build our productive base.
 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are committed to making Grenada work for all. This means that everyone should participate fully in nation building, everyone should be included, everyone should have equal opportunity and everyone should benefit.
 There is room on board for everyone and all hands must be on deck if we are to succeed.
 I assure you that your government will continue to pursue our vision and set the stage for development and success. We are committed to work diligently with all stakeholders to chart this course and deliver together.
 Together, we cannot fail. Together, we hold the keys to the fulfillment of our goal of a new and prosperous Grenada.
 I am excited about 2009 because it will give us an opportunity to recommit to building a new Grenada. While the challenges will be new, there will also be rewards. Rewards that will benefit all Grenadians. We need to embrace all opportunities as we move forward and upwards as a country. So I urge you to join with my team in working together to build our country, to improve the lives of every individual and to fulfill our dreams and aspirations for a prosperous 2009.
 God Bless you and May God bless Grenada.

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