St. George’s, Grenada (July 31, 2008) Former Deputy Commissioner of Police, James Clarkson who retired in 2005 from the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF) has been named as the new commissioner of Police following the retirement of Commissioner Winston James at the end of July.
Mr. Clarkson, born 21st April 1944, has a background in music and served as arranger for the Republic Bank Angel Harps. He has an outstanding record of service to the RGPF and brings to the force a wealth of experience.
“My life has been one of service to the people of Grenada and I am please once again to be called upon to serve. This is an exciting challenge which I hope will bring a renewed professional approach to policing in general and to the RGPF in particular,” said the new Commissioner.
Mr. Clarkson, who served under several governments, says he believes there are capable persons at every level of the RGPF. He says one of the areas of focus will be training and development. “My job is to help bring to the fore the talents and abilities of the men and women in the Force. I look forward to enhancing the professionalism and respectability of the Police while developing the machinery that will help in eradicating crime in the country,” he said.
James Clarkson became an Inspector of Police at the age of twenty three and was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal in 2003. He served in the West Indian Regiment between 1961 and 1962 and with the Trinidad Defence Force from 1962-1967.
Mr. Clarkson served the Royal Grenada Police Force in various capacities between 1970-2005, punctuated by his appointment as senior Assistant Secretary at the Ministry of Communications and Works from 1984-1986 and Assistant Chief Cultural Officer in the Ministry of Education between 1986 and 1993.
In 1979 he was appointed Acting Commissioner of Police.
He received his training at various institutions in the United Kingdom, including the Cranfield Institute of Technology where he studied Air Transport Planning and Operations and the Police Staff College in Bramshill. He also attended Mc Gill University in Canada and the Capt. San Luis Police College.
The Commissioner’s qualifications also included courses and training opportunities in the United States. A former GBSS and JW. Fletcher primary school student, Mr. Clarkson is married to Christine Clarkson with five children, two boys and three girls.
10th oct 201o
Dear Sir commissioner Of Pplice
I appoligise if i am in any way violating Procedures
of contating you but this is a matter of great concern Sir and it is very disgusting
to see and feel the way persons treat people some times in grenada.
Sir i
live in this place now 6years and this is the third time my life is treatened by
my own next door neighbour a woman like myself and i am very concern as a
person who have to be in and out of my premises and also the neighbourhood
This woman name is Marian Williams and she herself has a long chop in her face
Sir this woman is very agresive and has a bully attitude and is very very disgusting and provoking .
Sir she sells Food just in front the port or (peer) in st. georges
she is very agressive and have no respect for the law of Grenada or the police.
i made several reports to the police in the central police station from time to time over the years .I was only when i was advised to write a letter to you dated
August 26th 2009 that some matters were taken to court.
sometime in 2008 Marian Williams treaten me to FU–k my head and go sit down
in the richmond hill lock up. i went to central police nothing happen for a long time when i went back to the police i was told that the police went to Marian
and she refuse to take the summons saying that Marian Williams is not her name
I later learn that Marian was taken to court behind my back i did not get a summons or court notice so that matter was struct out because i was not ther
Sir she has a brother-in-law name Mr.STEVE JOHN a/k Mr. T this man lives in the limes HE CAME IN MY YARD ONE DAY AND CHOP DOWN ALL MY CLOTHES LINES WHICH WAS IN MY YARD SINCE 2004December.
Mr T and his wife was setting fire close to my house and go
he dig a drain in front my house where i have to pass and everything i put to walk someone use to be moving it for me to walk in the drain and he bring CPL HORSFORD FROM CENTRAL POLICE STATION to tell me i must walk in front of
Marians house When our landlady made me and my son made another road away
from Marian to pass.
Sir on 8thjune 2009 marian called her cousin Martin Williams and the
next thing i know martin run me up my house step with a sharpened cutlass to chop me .martin admit to C I D police A S P Mason and Constable Alfred that his
cousin Marian and others always harrasing me . Mr T and all of them
went to ms Gill court and she dealt with them but martin was not charged by the police for trying to Kill me he was charged for DAMAGING my door and stoning me. Sir on Friday 17th of This SEPTEMBER just gone MARIAN Williams for some of her own broken orniments she had in front my house since after IVAN that i packed up in a bucket and pan on my side of my premises MARIAN WILLIAMS
came with a broad chopper with a hook like on it to me telling me that if i pack anything on my side of my yard . SHE WILL SCATTER ME AND THE POLICE WILL
i went to the central police IMMEDIATELY and made a report. i was not given a medical form IS ONLY WHEN I WENT TO WOMAN POLICE BROWN and thats because when i ask CPL HORSFORD FOR HIS ATTENTION HE SAID HE DONT HAVE
time i agree he was with people but he did not say to me wait he was comming when he finish but that was his reply to me.
My foot was paining me and was swellin fast so I went to Woman Police Brown in the Fire dept; and show her my foot she then call the
report desk and i hear she telling someone on the telephone to better give me a
medical form to go see the doctor. About less than 5 minutes that same CPL
HORSFORD Came over to where i was in the fire service dept with the medical form saying to me and the POLICE WOMAN BROWN that he fed up and dont know
what next to do in these matters He TIRED TALKING TO MARIAN MY NEIGHBOUR
I went to the st georges hospital and was given injections and tablets ans a left leg cass for two week from 17th september unto now i cannot go to work until about monday 11th october .
Sir i am very very disturbed because if the police would have stop this ever since this woman would not display this behaviour for all this time. all on the road I WENT TO ANDALS SUPER MARKET by the bus terminal one evening after work and she came in there to open Andalls fridge
door in my face and telling other passing customers i am mad when Constable
RAMDI AND FEMALE Police went to her selling place with me on that report
in front the police MARIAN WILLIAMS tell ME IF I DONT STOP TALKING SHE WILL SLAM ME INTO A TRUCK PARKED NEARBY sir that is how powerful this woman is sir. I was forced to write to you before .
In this last matter she apparently went
to C I D telling the police that i was stoning her house And when the same constable alfred and sgt. Gill came at my house to me and that was the next day after the incident and saw my foot cass and i show them where i was packing broken ornaments on my side of the boundary when she attacked me the police left.
I recieved a phone call on saturday night about 8 45 pm that night from a police
officer i think he said his name was SAM he ask me on this date the 18th of september to come to central police station to complete my statement .SIR it was MR FRANK a POLICE officer who is lives about 75 yards from my house that took that statement and ask me what action i want but left the statement incomplete these people all realated this policeman i always tell what is happening sometimes he sending me to the police station one time MARIAn
uncle follow me to throw big stones in my face SAYING TO ME I MUST MOVE MY F___cking house from where i have it i went in front of policemans Frank house standing .
i was advised to relocate from there Sir But that is cost and time i am making every effort but i am waiting on finance i am a single woman .and have to save my money to secure myself .
Sir it is VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU GET WOMAN POLICE BROWN AND CPL HORSFORD AND INSPECTOR VICTOR and investigate this matter because it seems as though some police feels that my life is not important
Sir i went as far as sending Marian a Lawers letter and she refuse to axcept
it i do not speak to MARIAN She went so far as to bring a man to come in front
of my house to tell me he come to hspend the night with me he come to have
sex with me all little children saw that ask constable FEMALE BAin TAAT STORY
and how police hide the man knowing the man was wrong . Sir
this is too much my landlord is 74 yrs old you please ask WOMAN POLICE BROWN WHAT THE LANDLORD TELL HER ABOUT THIS MARIAN AND HER BEHAVIOUR
i AS STILL WAITING ON THE POLICE ACTIONS SIR. marian give cpl Horsford a different story that she heard a noise the day in question and the 5 yr old in her house say it was me throwing stuff in her place tha t day in question and she saw me fall down with a spade.
SIR when constable Deuprey sometime ago went to the scene
Marians Grandmother a big 85 yrs old woman tell the policeman i always bringing
police up there and i will always have to bring them and how i not start to bring
police yet i will always have to bring them.
Sir i knoe that you are capable of dealing with this matter but i cannot go on like this its very disrespectfull .and you ca stop it now MR STEVE JOHN HE COMES TO where i am living because he recently but a
piece of land just aback my house he DIG SOME DRAINS ON THE ALOWED ROAD BEHIND MY HOUSE AND GOING TO MY TIOLET SO WHEN THE RAIN FALLS i am in distress I went to report that to the police in central and constable MANN and C
constable lewis a tall fairskin police come to where i liive and saw that nothing was done to spite me mrT and martin williams the man that run me to chop me
is leaving alot of bush close by our house i cannot reach and i dont want trespassing charges .
PLEASE SIR this is violating my rights to life as a human being to Clean my surrondings i have to use a cutlass and a rake and bucket Marian or Martin williams is comming in my yard and throwing away my cleanings and them
friends not doing any thing .
Thanking you in anticipation .
I am
Ms. Jenifer Wilson
Tel# 459–2297