The Grenada United Labour Party views with great concern the continuing political confrontations taking place between the New National Party and the National Democratic Congress. Public political confrontations of such nature lead eventually to open conflicts and violence.
The latest incident, which took place at La mode in St. Patrick on Saturday April 26th, involves Minister Boatswain and the NDC candidate for St. Patrick West, Joseph Gilbert. It matters not who is to blame. Before that, there was the “who send you” incident which, in fact, included a degree of violence meted out against a police officer.
The GULP condemns the use of intemperate language, violent language, threats, character assassination and violence as part of national politics, especially in an election year.The Gulp urges that we pay particular attention to the outcome of such conduct as seen in Kenya, Zimbabwe and closer home and take steps to avoid descent into anarchy and confusion.The GULP advises that the politics should be directed to dealing with the rising cost of energy and the high costs of living and that our energies should be employed in finding ways to exploit our natural resources of gas and oil and to resuscitate our agriculture. .