Local News


“July 8th 2008, is Liberation day.”  This was the theme of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) as they blaze the campaign trail throughout the country.

Indeed it was a catchy line leading up to the polls.  Even little children too small to understand the complexities of  voting and a government ruling a country was caught up in the hype of the moment, the songs, slogans, hand bills and posters. As for the many telephone calls and the party workers who wrapped on doors to sell the lines of their party, who cared what they had tosay. It was about the hype. But to the enlightened and consciencious an election goes far beyond these.

 To many in this latter category, it’s about the development of the country and its people.  Others look at specific areas such as the development of Health Care, Education and the creating of opportunities for our young people.  Now, more that ever before, the studying of the manifestos of the various political parties presenting themselves to the electorate occupy their attention. 

 It is safe to say that the manifesto of the NDC met the expectations of the majority of Grenadians than the incumbent New National Party (NNP).  And who can fault the people for voting into office the NDC for as everyone would say “we looking for betterment in the country.”  So really what did the people view as betterment from the NDC?  Their manifesto promises. 


To many, these were the burning issues in the country; and with the NDC promising them immediate improvement, it was an easy sell.  Three years later what is the general state of affairs of the people in the country?  Hardship, total hardship with an unemployment rate lingering over forty percent. Certainly this does not instil hope in the students graduating from Secondary school, TA Marryshow Community College and St George’s University this year.

With the general hospital unable to provide basic medicines to patients due to the refusal of the OECS Pharmaceutical procurement centre to offer further credit to the Government, health care is at its lowest point in the history of the country –  It is understood that the Government owes the centre approximately four million dollars.  And can the NDC boast of any achievement in lowering the cost of living, certainly not; it is about the highest it has ever been and continues to rise.

So what is the claim to fame of the NDC in the last three years they have been in office?  Grenada is the best governed country in the region.  What we don’t know is the formula or criteria that were used by the Prime Minister to arrive at this conclusion.  However what is being said by the population is a far cry from the boast of Hon. Tillman Thomas.  Let’s look at it in the eyes of a young mother who was working as an IMANI and has been sent home after the NDC came into office.  “I am a single mother of two children.  Life has been very difficult since I have lost my Job.  I have been out of employment for over two years now.  I am doing ‘every and anything possible’ to provide a living for my children“! And certainly we cannot forget the senior citizens who have not received the four hundred dollars in public assistance they were promised. Yes, we are saddled with a Government that does not care and it seems like every day they are finding new ways to further oppress and destroy the lives of the people.

With many businesses closing their doors, Banks repossessing properties, and an increase in crime especially robbery, the Tillman Thomas led administration has not advanced the economy as they have promised. In fact, the economy has regressed from leading in the OECS in 2008 to number three in 2010.  

As our beloved country continues to slide in the economic rating in the region, as we continue to observe the destruction of our institutions; and the apparent refusal of bonofide investors at home and abroad to take risk and the lack of confidence coming from foreign investors to consider Grenada at this time because they are concerned, that the infighting within the NDC as was thrown out to the public late last year when four MP refused to accept new ministerial position which almost led to the collapse of the Government, a situation which mirrors the final days of the Revolutionary Government of 1983.

This present situation, is very worrying; therefore, we the members of Her Majesty Loyal opposition, calls on Hon. Tillman Thomas to remove the noose around Grenada’s neck.   It’s your responsibility to lead in the creation of the enabling environment for investment to be had.  Grenada must always be first.  If you are unable to do that, then do the honourable thing for Grenada.  But then again, the track record of the NDC which continues to be ‘job for the boys’ with huge salaries, would not want to give this up.  As the cries of the hurting people throughout the length and breath of Grenada Carriacou and Petite Martinique continues to be heard one cannot mist this line “For Grenada to Grow, NDC must go”?

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