The 10th Annual Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development (STC – 10) is currently in progress on Providenciales Island in the Turks & Caicos Islands. Based on the theme “Keeping the Right Balance: Sustaining the Caribbean Coastal Product”, the four-day meeting is structured to cover salient subject matters relating to the various challenges now affecting the Caribbean’s coastal environment. It would also examine issues relating to the dive market, policies, products and investments, and managing marine sites and attractions. Aware that the Caribbean region appreciates the value of tourism, and the need for the development of tourism products that are sustainable, the organizers have ensured that a forum exists within this year’s conference for stakeholders and service providers to speak out and define the way forward. Study tours and best practices presentations are also part of the week’s agenda. During the four-day meeting, the Grenada Board of Tourism is being represented by the Director of Tourism, Mrs. Jocelyn Sylvester-Gairy. .
Sustainable tourism, but still voting to lift the whaling ban, while whale watching is a multi million dollar tourism industry. Or do you really think that whale killing watching will be attracting tourists ?
It seems to me that despite the denials, Grenada is corrupt to the bone.
Co-integration analysis of environmental tourism demand for
Nowadays, international tourism which is defined as the movement to foreign
countries for trade, leisure, not for daily tasks or education, is considered as a reliable
source of earning. The major determinants of the demand for international tourism are
economic factors, demographic factors (age, sex, education and occupation) and
exogenous factors (technological progress, political change, environmental issues, and
security and health-care conditions)
In this study we have focused on economic factors, specifically relevant prices in
tourism industry, income per capita in the region country, and exchange rate. These
factors are independent or explanatory variables in our study. Science most previous
studies have not used time series analysis to estimate demand for international
tourism, this study assesses the long run relationship among these economic factors
and the dependant variable which is the number of tourists coming to Iran, by using
co-integration analysis and ARDL econometric technique. In addition to these
explanatory variables, we have used dummy variables to assess the influences of war
and evolution in our model.
We thus excluded that co-integration analysis is not an appropriate approach for
estimating demand for international tourism in Iran, and does not lead to statistically
acceptable results. Science international tourism in Iran is highly influenced by social,
political and cultural factors rather than economic factors for explaining social,
political, and cultural factors are more suitable for estimating demand for international
tourism in Iran.
Key words: tourism demand, environment, co-integration.