Chairman of the ruling National Democratic Congress, Collin La Barrie, has praised the party, saying the NDC has “delivered” in government on many of the promises made during the election campaign. Mr. La Barrie, in a New Year’s message as party chairman, called on members and supporters must stand with the NDC, which is planning to hold its annual convention in March.
“It would be a momentous occasion in which the Party will continue charting its future for its long-term viability and its ongoing service to the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique,” he said.
The full text of Mr. La Barrie’s message follows:
Fellow Grenadians, Sisters and Brothers of the National Democratic Congress.
We have quickly come to the end of another year. It was one of unprecedented events: higher than usual oil prices, steep rise in the cost of food items and the failure of banks and other businesses in western capitalist countries, with a resulting downturn in the global economy. These events certainly have impacted on our Tri-island Nation by ways of diminished remittances and decreased spending by tourists visiting out shores.
This tightening global financial situation, coupled with the gross mismanagement of the previous New National Party administration, created and left unparallel challenges for our Party, the National Democratic Congress. The situation is alarmingly serious. Thirteen years of the NNP regime left the country with a national debt of EC$1.7 billion. As a result, our government has had to allocate19% of our national budget to debt-service repayment.
The NDC, on assuming the reins of government in July, also met a demoralized public service, an emasculated police force and de-motivated medical personnel. In fact, the country could easily have been described as absolutely and totally ravaged.
Thank God, however, that a wind of change blew on the 8th of July. This high wind swept the NNP administration out of the corridors of power and ushered in the NDC administration under the leadership of an honest, principled and a committed political leader in the person of Honourable Tillman Thomas.
The signs of change, Sisters and Brothers, are already evident.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has applauded us for our efficient managing of the economy. We have given new confidence and hope to local and foreign investors. A budget to rebalance the ill of our economy has just been laid before the Grenadian people.
Shortly after the NDC took office, the new administration implemented the Free School Books programme for our nation’s children. A tax amnesty – with a waver on penalties and interests – for persons and businesses with outstanding debts to the government, has been given by the NDC administration. And to lessen the cost of living burden on our people, Prime Minister Thomas and his Cabinet allowed families to import two barrels of food items into the country, free of any duties to the government. We, the NDC, promised and we have delivered.
The ruling Party, the National Democratic Congress, wishes all of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, as well as our nationals in the Diaspora, a very prosperous New Year. We pray that we all will be under the guidance and protection of God for 2009.
To our supporters at home and abroad, we thank you for your steadfast solidarity and assistance. We ask that you continue to stand with us as we strengthen and build our Party. We look forward to seeing many of you, who are members of the Party, at our National Convention in March. It would be a momentous occasion in which the Party will continue charting its future for its long-term viability and its ongoing service to the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.
God bless you all.
Collin La Barrie