Caribbean News

Caribbean Diplomats Joins Grenadians in Toronto to celebrate Annivessary

A group of seven Caribbean diplomats, together with other CARICOM nationals, joined Grenadians on Friday in a lusty rendition of our National Anthem at the Toronto City Hall in Canada.

The gathering was the first of three official events scheduled to be held in Toronto to commemorate the 35th anniversary of Grenada’s Independence.

Among those at Friday’s event were the Consul General for Grenada in Toronto, Jenny Gumbs, and former Grenadian Consuls General Michael Viechweg and Conrad Gibbs.  They were joined by other Grenadian nationals, as well as diplomats from Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua & Barbuda, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, and St. Kitts & Nevis.

The National Flag of Grenada will be flown over the Toronto City Hall for a week, as a tribute to the people of Grenada in observance of our Independence anniversary.

The other Independence events planned for Toronto are a $70-a-plate dinner and dance on Saturday evening, and a 12-noon church service on Sunday.

Meanwhile, in New York, the Grenada flag was hoisted at the Brooklyn Borough Hall on Friday morning.

Grenadians in New York are now awaiting the arrival of Honourable Patrick Simmons, who will be giving his first official government address to a meeting in the U.S. city.

Mr. Simmons, the MP for St. Andrew South-East, and the Minister of Youth Empowerment, Culture and Sports, will be the featured speaker at an awards’ ceremony and gala, jointly hosted by the Consulate General of Grenada in New York and the 2009 Grenada Independence Anniversary Committee of New York. It takes place Saturday evening, February 7, in Queens Village.

From New York, Mr. Simmons will travel to the U.S. capital to participate in two of the events marking what’s being called, “Grenada Week in Washington.”

He will attend a Sunday church service in Washington, and on Monday, Mr. Simmons will be at the headquarters of the Organisation of American States for a Grenada National Day Reception and Art Exhibition.

Meanwhile, Grenadians in other cities around the world – including Montreal, Canada, and London, England – are also commemorating our Independence anniversary with various functions this weekend.


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