Member of Parliament for St. Mark’s, Hon. Clarice Modeste- Curwen says it is with grave concern and dismay that the New National Party has learnt that the cabinet members of the Tillman Thomas administration are presently engaged in a series of counseling sessions.
It is to be noted that counseling is usually diagnosed in the treatment for depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder among other mental ailments. Whilst the NNP cannot conclusively determine that it is the diverse mix of political ideologies or inadequate leadership within the ruling NDC administration that could have given rise to any of those mental abnormalities, nonetheless, the behavioral patterns of those individuals within the cabinet, without a doubt, are impacting negatively on the governance of the country.
The former Minister raised this concern at the seating of Parliament earlier today; she said that the present situation questions whether the NDC administration is in a position to govern the country effectively and efficiently. This is a concern being expressed by many individuals within the society. In fact many blame the consistent irrational behaviour of the present administration directly for the apparent unwillingness of investors to invest in the country, for the lack of adequate job opportunities, and for the general state of economic malaise with which the country now experiences. Are these the symptoms of dysfunctional behaviour patterns on the part of the NDC cabinet members?
It is with some measure of relief however, that the NNP has learnt that the cabinet members have acknowledged their dysfunctional behaviour patterns, albeit two and a half years after being in government. If, however, their decision to seek counseling from “a Shrink” is what is required to save Grenada, then it is a step in the right direction.
The New National Party expresses the hope that within the remainder of the term of the NDC administration, the country will be able to remain stable, so that true governance will return in the near future in order that substantial benefits will once again accrue to the Grenadian people.
is it that serious that the government of the day has to seek counselling in order to govern the country right? Someone please tell me this is not true. I like going on cruises, and every country we visit, the tour guide will inform us that such and such major development is being undertaken by such and such foreign investors. These foreign investors develop the countries. that is what grenadians want to see – investors building and developing our country while generating employment to the people.Standing alone we cannot do it.
I think that the powers in that administration need advisors with vision and focus. The electorate don’t care who gets transferred from ministry to ministry or who gets crazy and needs counselling. They need jobs and to see their country rising from one level to another in a positive direction. It is time to listen to other voices. Shake off the shackles of mistrust, paronoidism, and even religion (if it becomes necessary). Let the investors in – let them build and build and invest – They cannot take it with them when they leave. It’s our land. Try that strategy, and maybe, just maybe the electorate might have something to smile about, the government might no longer need counselling, and we might become destressed instead of distressed.Happy Holidays!!
There is no doubt that the current uneasiness among several cabinet ministers and other government officials may require counseling. I wish to state that counseling/therapy is not only sought for persons affected by either a mood or an anxiety disorder, but often sought by those affected by an immediate crisis. As in the case of the current government/cabinet, there is substantial evidence of a crisis large enough to warrant counseling. The question is who is providing this counseling, who are the individuals benefiting from the service, and who determined which ones were affected to the point which required this intervention?
This is a good step Mr Prime Minister. You will be better
served with some techniques in stress and anxiety reduction, anger management skills, conflict resolution, team building and dealing with the difficult and hostile peer and a few others. . Some relaxation techniques will also be helpful. And finally, i suggest some techniques on leadership roles and expectation.
And did I say some prayers???