Local News


The Grenada Cadet Corps will be the recipient of a donation of boots from a small group of ex-cadet members based in the United States.

Thirty-six (36) pairs of varied sizes of boots arrived in Grenada on Wednesday and will be distributed to schools’ units across the island.

Keith Bridgeman and Fimbar Byam are two of the primary people behind this drive and are hoping to make similar donations in the near future.

“We are hoping to reach out to other ex-cadet members as we attempt to assist the Grenada Cadet Corps with their uniform and equipment needs,” Byam said.

“This our way of assisting the young people in Grenada and we are confident that more persons will become involved both at home and abroad,” he said.

Plans are afoot to establish two units in Carriacou and there have been overwhelming requests from other schools.

However, the Cadet Corps is faced with a shortage of trained officers. Interested men and women are asked to contact the Grenada Cadet Corps at: grenadacadetcorps@gmail.com.

The Grenada Consulate in New York coordinated the shipment of boots to Grenada.

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