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BRUSSELS, Belgium, March 12, 2009 – Grenada’s Ambassador to the European Union, Ambassador Stephen Fletcher, has been selected by the grouping of CARIFORUM Ambassadors in Brussels to be the Regional Representative on the Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE).
The CDE, is an institution of the ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) Group of States and the European Union. It is financed by the European Development Fund. It contributes to the creation and development of enterprises in ACP countries, involving enterprises in EU countries.

The CDE operates according to a sectoral and regional approach to programmes, although it also lends support to individual enterprises on a case-by-case basis. Through Its regional field offices and a network of correspondents the CDE distributes information about the facilities it offers and assist interested enterprises in preparing their applications.

Pro€invest, an EU/ACP partnership programme funded initially by a € 110 million budget, is managed by the CDE, under Europeaid/AIDCO supervision. It promotes investment in ACP countries and facilitates transfers of technology to enterprises there operating in sectors considered most promising.

In addition, Ambassador Fletcher is also the CARIFORUM Representative on the “Investment and Private sector Committee.

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