Walk for Oil and Gas
The two labour parties on the island, Grenada United Labour Party (GULP) and People¹s Labour Movement (PLM) have taken the initiative to plead with Venezuela to settle its maritime boundaries with Grenada.
The two political parties led a walk to the local Venezuelan Embassy at Belmont, St. George¹s where a letter was delivered for the attention of Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez.
The letter was presented to resident Ambassador, Ali Jose Diaz Ascanio who warmly accepted both political figures at the embassy.
GULP¹s Reynold Benjamin said the letter which was jointly written by the two minority political parties bemoans the failure of Venezuela to sit down with Grenada to have the maritime boundary settled between the two countries.
The letter is seeking to have President Chavez make a public declaration that he is willing to sit down to talks with Grenada to have the maritime boundary settled.
Ambassador Ascanio said President Chavez¹s cares about the Grenadian people, and gave the assurance that he (President Chavez) will consider the letter.
³This letter (is) going to be answered from our President Hugo Chavez, and you will hear from us,² added the ambassador.
The Venezuelan envoy Ascanio spoke of his President being very friendly with the Grenadian people.
Benjamin who has been writing on the issue of oil in the local newspapers echoed the sentiments of Ambassador Diaz.
³We have no doubt about that, and this is why we are so optimistic that we could move speedily on. You would understand the importance of having the maritime boundary settled², he said.
³You are swimming in oil. You are doing well. We here are wallowing in poverty… and with the rising, soaring price of oil, food and everything, we need to restructure our economy and we want to build that from the natural resources that we have,² he added.
Under a scorching midday sun, both Benjamin and his PLM counterpart, Dr. Francis Alexis led a crowd of just about fifty people on the walk which was described as an Independence Walk for Oil and Gas.
Walking from just outside Tropicana Restaurant on Lagoon Road, St. George¹s to the Islander Gap, they chanted ³Hugo (Chavez), Hugo we want we oil and gas.²
Benjamin said that by getting the maritime boundary settled, Grenada will be able to have an opportunity as Venezuela has had to exploit the natural resources of oil and gas that exist in the maritime waters under the sea bed that belongs to Grenada.
Addressing the media just after delivering the letter, Benjamin reacted to comments that were made about nothing significant can come out of the request that was made to President Chavez in the letter.
An attorney-at-law by profession, Benjamin said that he cannot see ³any sensible Grenadian² who is interested in the welfare of the country leaving the current administration in control of the Government of Grenada.
Benjamin addressed the importance of having the maritime boundary settled at this point in time since he sees it as economic survival for the island.
He said that due to the current economic climate which is as a result of high oil prices, it is very important for Grenada to now exploit its natural resources.0
³The escalating price of oil has impacted on the cost of living in very many ways,² he added.
³When we are in a position to exploit our resources, it means that great revenues will be coming into Grenada, revenues which could transform the socio-economic situation in Grenada,² he said.
Benjamin accused the ruling New National Party (NNP) government of Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell of being grossly negligent in seeking to have the maritime boundary between Grenada and Venezuela settled.
³It defies understanding how a thing as important as the development of our offshore resources of oil and gas, in 12 years we have made no forward movement in that field,² he said.
Political Leader of PLM, Dr. Francis Alexis who also addressed the media said the two local political parties are now anxiously looking forward to a response from President Chavez.
³What we are fighting for here now is good, cheap electricity affordable by all Grenadians regardless of economic status,² he said..