Local News

Unused revenue office to be closed, Grenada paper reports

St George’s, May 31, 2013 – The Keith Mitchell government is pulling out of an arrangement under which the former NDC administration rented a ministry of finance revenue-collection office in Grand Anse, St George’s.

The office, which was rented last year but never occupied by ministry of finance staff, is located at Excel Plaza that is owned by businessman Ken Joseph.

“Joseph has been officially notified of the planned closure of the revenue office, but disagrees with the move,’’ said a report in the latest edition of Caribupdate Weekly. “He says there are many benefits having a revenue office in the south, and wishes the government could see its importance’’.

The paper quoted Joseph as saying the agreement with the ministry was signed last April with the monthly rent set at $10,000.

Government has indicated that he will be paid what is due to him, Caribupdate Weekly quoted Joseph as saying.

Meanwhile, a letter of resignation reportedly submitted by Joseph to the National Democratic Congress is said to have been turned down by the party.

Joseph, a founding-member of the NDC, returned to active party frontline politics last year amidst turmoil within the ranks of the congress.

He was at the September 2012 party convention that expelled 10 members, including former general secretary Peter David.

At the convention, Joseph was elected NDC deputy chairman.

In the campaign for last February’s general election, he backed the electoral efforts of Franka Bernadine, the NDC chairman who was defeated in her run for the Town of St George seat that was held by David for two consecutive terms.

The seat was won by NNP’s Nickolas Steel, now minister of foreign affairs.

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