ST. JOHN’S, Antigua– Cricket West Indies (CWI) President, Ricky Skerritt, has communicated directly with several key partners and stakeholders, including Government leaders, to share the contents of the recently received report on Governance Reform of CWI. And the report is also now available to the public on the CWI Website
In his letter to stakeholders, the CWI President stated his intention to champion the report’s recommendations with his best efforts, in an attempt to achieve much needed comprehensive and sustainable change for the growth and development of the organization. He also thanked stakeholders for their “ongoing support for West Indies cricket”, and asked for their “cooperation and patience as we set about the process of understanding, accepting, and implementing The Wehby Report”.
The report was prepared by an Independent Task Force led by Senator Don Wehby, which also included Sir Hilary Beckles, Mr. Deryck Murray, Mr. O.K Melhado and Mr. Charles Wilkin QC. The Task Force consulted extensively, and the 36-page report drew from a wide cross section of expertise – from knowledgeable persons in the West Indies as well as in the global game.
President Skerritt said: “We cannot ignore the fact that this is the fifth external governance review endeavour of its kind, within the past thirteen years. However, I am confident that this latest review was conducted by five experienced, skilled and well-intentioned West Indians, each with an unmitigated concern and respect for West Indies cricket in general. Together they are more than capable of merging learnings from past reviews with the realities of the present, in order to develop a pertinent and strategic outlook for a preferred future”.
The Report recognised the enormous cricket talent in the region and the need to harness that talent and promote its growth and presented the significant way in which improved governance will contribute to the process. The Task Force also conducted case studies of cricket governance models among major cricket nations and considered it important, in exercise of their mandate, to highlight those principles of modern corporate governance which in their opinion should apply to the Board of Directors of CWI as a corporate entity carrying out a public function.
Overall, the report noted that reform was needed to ensure the sustainability of CWI. It highlighted the “need to foster the rebuilding of trust and a common purpose between CWI and the other stakeholders, especially with regional governments”. The recommendations include:
- Comprehensive reform of the governance structure using key principles of modern governance to provide greater accountability and transparency.
- Membership of the Board of Directors to reflect a wide cross section of skills and competencies, and a smaller and more balanced Board of 12 (currently 18) in the immediate instance, with an eventual reducing to nine (9) including at least two women.
- Redefine roles of President and Vice President to be more Board specific and non-executive.
- Establishment of a Nominations Committee to identify and evaluate potential directors and to nominate future directors and committee members.
- Reduction in CWI Committee structure from 12 to five (5) Committees.