Friday, May 29, 2009: The New National Party (NNP) denounces the NDC Administration’s use of the Police to call in for questioning Radio Host Mr. Allan Campbell, because he was providing an avenue for Grenadians to exercise their constitutional right to freely express themselves.
This action is reminiscent of the detention of others such as Mr. Hugh Wildman who worked for the Government and people of Grenada and on returning to his homeland was intimidated and embarrassed by being held without charge under suspicion that proved to be totally unfounded and false.
The harassment of individuals and curtailing of freedom of speech were never practiced or condoned under the New National Party’s administration. This is one of the many dark changes that the NDC now controlled by certain elements of the past Revolutionary period had in mind for the people of Grenada.
The NNP calls on the NDC Administration and the Commissioner of Police to desist from using such undemocratic and unconstitutional actions and on the government to concentrate on assisting the general populace with jobs and other facets that will improve the deteriorating quality of life.
Further, all threats of arrests against Mr. Campbell or other Media personnel whether planned or not should cease and the NNP calls on the media to monitor and denounce such moves. Today it’s Mr. Allan Campbell, tomorrow it could be anybody.