Local News

The Made In Grenada Person of the Month – April 2014

After a one year absence the, Made In Grenada Person of the Month, returns beginning January 2014.

The Award will feature persons in the field of entertainment, arts, culture, sports and community development. The purpose of the award is to bring National prominence to persons who through their everyday efforts, through their passion and God-given talents and abilities can create an impact in their respective fields.

The Made In Grenada Person of the Month will seek to highlight the positive things that are happening around the Island by creative and passionate Grenadians.


APRIL 2014


  Peter James

It would be difficult to find another person who so profoundly embodies the essence and ideals of community spirit. As President of the Clozier Development Committee – a non-political, non-partisan village-based organization – Peter James has spear-headed some initiatives that should be the envy of communities throughout Grenada.

The fiercely independent village of Clozier boasts a 2nd division GFA team, 2 cricket teams (competing in the St. John and St. Andrew leagues), a homework club, and now in its 5th year, an annual Clozier week of activities.

The energy and the glue that keeps the synergy together is Peter James. An instructor at NEWLO, this selfless soul must be recognized for his unrelenting efforts, for his steadfast commitment to community development – a commitment that has placed Clozier at the zenith of community spirit and rural enterprise.

Congratulations Peter James and do keep up the excellent work.

Dexter Mitchell

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