Local News

Supporting the pursuit of greater educational achievements

St. George’s, August 30, 2011 – The two have enjoyed some measure of academic success but thirst for more.

Blossom De Gale, a graduate of the St. George’s Anglican Senior School (SGASS), and former T.A. Marryshow Community College student, Jaime Samuel, have both promised the pursuit of greater educational achievements.

They gave their commitment Monday as they were recognized and congratulated by Tourism Minister Peter David, MP for the Town of St. George.

De Gale is headed for the St. Joseph’s Convent in St. George’s after placing first among SGASS students in the 2011 Common Entrance Examinations (CEE). For her CEE exploits, she received a laptop from MP David, an SGASS alumnus.

“I feel proud to stand here and make this presentation. We are all going to be looking at your performance throughout the years,’’ Mr. David told Blossom at the presentation that was witnessed by a younger brother, as well as her mother and father.

In response, Blossom said: “I want to assure you that with this gift of computer, I will make maximum use of it to continue reaping great successes on my educational journey.’’

For the presentation of his gift of a computer and a cash donation, Samuel was joined by his mother, Diana Gibbs.

A resident of the Fours Roads community of St. George’s, Samuel is this year’s top student in Unit 2 of CAPE – the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations.

He has obtained a teaching job at the Presentation Brothers’ College but plans a future career in medicine.

“I want to say thank you for doing us proud in the Town of St. George. We’re very, very proud of you,’’ MP David told Samuel.

“I want to urge other students, who are going to do their exams next year, to use you as a role model and to ask you to reach out to them, whenever you can, to help them to do as good as you have done in your exams.’’

Samuel, whose haul of subjects includes passes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology, attended the Grenada Boys’ Secondary School after passing his CEE. So, too, did Mr. David.

The cash and computer donation, Samuel assured, “will help me in my future endeavours.’’

The MP encouraged Samuel and De Gale to continue working hard and also appealed to parents to give their children their “fullest support’’ in their drive for scholastic excellence.

Mr. David also took the opportunity to thank the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the contribution of the computers that were donated to Samuel and De Gale.

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