Local News


Tuesday 15th November, 2011: The New National Party will be staging its second General Council Meeting for 2011 at the Mac Donald College in St. Patrick on Sunday 20th November.  This General Council is being held under the Theme: NNP to the Rescue: Restoring National Unity and Economic Prosperity.
The proceedings are due to begin at 1.00pm with a closed door session as the various party constituency reports are delivered and the General Secretary’s report being the main highlight of this session.

This activity will be followed by what is expected to be one of the biggest political rallies of the year as the NNP bandwagon moves to the Anglican School Grounds from 5.00pm. There messages of hope will be delivered to the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique by the NNP Rescue Team.

Messages on Health Care, the dismal state of the Grenadian economy, our embarrassing foreign relations and other areas of national importance will feature prominently. The feature address will be delivered by Political Leader of the New National Party and Former Prime Minister of Grenada, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith C. Mitchell. All are invited to this important event.


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