Local News

Statement from the Ministry of Health re further outbreak of flulike symptoms

ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 2009_the Ministry of Health will like to inform the general public that there is an unusual outbreak of flu-like symptoms throughout Grenada which is presently being managed by healthcare officials utilizing best practice protocols.
 As a result, in the best interest of all concerned the Ministry has activated all protocols to respond to the needs of persons and better manage systems should the need arise.
 However, the Ministry will like to confirm the presence of the Influenza-A H1N1 virus in Grenada and some members of staff have been affected.
 On Wednesday Permanent Secretary Mrs. Glenna Knights and Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Emma Herry-Thompson, along with other senior technical personnel apprised the Minister for Health Sen. the Hon. Ann Peters, of the situation and the immediate steps that were taken to safe guard infected as well as non infected persons.
 During Wednesday’s meeting members of the Hospital’s management team decided that visits to all wards at the general and subsidiary hospitals will be limited and will be strictly managed by the hospital security officials. Additionally immediate family members of patients desirous of bringing items to them will be required to handover such items to designated hospital personnel for delivery.
 The Ministry is confident that its staff is capable of dealing with the situation and is seeking the full co-operation of the public at this time.
 However the following must be noted;
 ■Persons experiencing flu-like symptoms are advised to remain at home and contact your healthcare provider or call the Flu Hotline 409-4161.
 ■Parents are also asked to keep all children with flu-like symptoms at home and notify the relevant healthcare providers.
 ■The Ministry believes that it is in the best interest of person to continue the practice of personal hygiene, which include, covering your mouth and nose when coughing, or sneezing, disposing all used tissues after use, washing hand before eating, attending to the sick or animals, etc.
 Minister Peters also took the opportunity to remind the public at large that there is absolutely no need for panic.

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