The Political Leader of National United Front, Mrs. Glynis Roberts has congratulated the New National Party on its election victory.
At 8.27 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 Mrs. Roberts called the elected representative for St. George South, Mrs. Alexandra Otway-Noel and offered congratulations. At 9.22 p.m. she then called the Political Leader of the New National Party, Dr. Keith Mitchell and also offered congratulations and best wishes.
On behalf of the Executive and Members of the National United Front, Mrs Roberts would like to thank all supporters and well-wishers for their effort and contribution to the National United Front during this election campaign.
Mrs. Roberts gracefully accepts the outcome of the elections and takes the opportunity to reassure that her commitment to community and national development remains undaunted.
Mrs. Roberts remains committed to building the National United Front along the lines of politics of inclusion, articulating politics of a different paradigm with the message shared at many of the meetings during the election campaign.
It has been humbling and an honour of duty to have represented the St. George South constituency as its elected Member of Parliament from 2003 to 2013.
She expresses reassurances that it’s not the end of her political career and the people of Grenada will always be first.