Local News


The National Democratic Congress, (NDC) views with much dismay and alarm, a statement emanating from the Office of the Commissioner of the Royal Grenada Police Force, (RGPF) in which the police  sought to address what it termed  a “major traffic congestion” in the Town Of Saint George due to a peaceful protest march organized by our party one week ago.

The NDC wishes to register  its total objection to the blatant falsehoods contained in the Police release of April 13, 2015. In that Release, the Force, amongst other things, accused the organizers (  party members and  supporters)  of “belligerently” changing the agreed upon route “without forewarning.”  Additionally, the Police also claimed that as a result of this march, “traffic was unduly affected and motorist and the general public put into a tailspin.”

We  regard these statements   not only   as  complete fabrications,   but as unfair and highly prejudicial to the  interests of the National Democratic Congress. Both oral and written communication between the Party and the Police will reveal that  in planning  for,  and executing  this peaceful protest,  we engaged the RGPF  honestly and in good faith, every step of the way,   so as to ensure   that  no undue  inconvenience  was brought upon the motoring public or pedestrians  in the city.

In that regard , we  especially wish to  record the following:

  1. By letter dated 27th March 2015, the National Democratic Congress among other things advised the Police that it had organised a march for Friday 10th April: “around the town of Saint George ending with a meeting close to the Fish Market on Melville Street”.


  1. During the course of the week of 10th April, Party General Secretary Patrick Simmons was in constant telephone communication with Assistant Commissioner of Police, Edvin Martin. In those conversations, the route of the march was agreed upon and settled. ACP Martin also suggested that it would be inconvenient to have the public meeting following the march on Melville Street as proposed. Based on that suggestion, the NDC decided to quash that aspect of our activity.


  1. On the day of the march, the route as previously agreed was strictly adhered to. Throughout the march there were as many as fifteen (15) police officers accompanying the protestors along the entire route. At no time during the march did the participants display any warlike, aggressive or hostile behaviour, either to the accompanying police officers or to the general public as video footage taken of the entire march and posted to NDC social media sites can attest to.


We are especially alarmed that this statement was issued by the Commissioner  of Police without ever raising  his concerns with  us, the  organizers of the event , and that the matter first came to our attention through the Media Release issued from the Commissioner’s Office.


We of the National Democratic Congress have had a long, cordial and co-operative relationship with the Royal Grenada Police Force. In collaborating with the police in respect of our many undertakings, we have always been genuine and forthright. We find the sentiment expressed in the release to be rather unfortunate, inflammatory, uncalled for and moreover, without  any factual basis.


In light of the foregoing  the National Democratic Congress  calls upon the Commissioner of Police  to withdraw the Release.


We have written to the Commissioner of Police conveying our sentiments in relation to this matter  and requesting a withdrawal of the said Media  Release.

We  stand ready to  meet with the RGPF  to discuss this and any related matter  with a view to ensuring  that this unfortunate incident is not repeated.

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