
Stanford proposals progressed with ECB and WICB

It was confirmed that Sir Allen Stanford met with the President of the West Indies Cricket Board, The Honourable Dr. Julian R. Hunte, the WICB CEO, Dr. Donald Peters, and the Chief Executive of the ECB, Mr. David Collier, on Monday April 21 at Lords.
The meeting further developed the constructive and positive discussions held between ECB and Sir Allen Stanford of the previous week, and initial meetings with the West Indies Cricket Board held in Bangalore on April 18 involving Dr. Hunte, Dr. Peters, Mr. Collier and the Chairman of ECB, Mr. Giles Clarke.
The WICB, ECB and Sir Allen Stanford described the meeting as very productive and it was confirmed that the meeting had identified proposals which would provide a legacy to the development and infrastucture of cricket in the Caribbean in addition to a series of International Matches.
Sir Allen Stanford also attended the Pre-season lunch of the Lords Taverners which provides support for community cricket in particular for children with disabilities.  During the luncheon Sir Allen made a donation of £50,000 to the work of the charity which was received by the President of the Lords Taverners, Mr. Bill Tidy.

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