Local News


Tuesday 29th March 2011: Treasurer of the New National Party and Former Minister of Finance under the New National Party Administration Senator Anthony Boatswain has called on the NDC Administration to seriously take heed of the various world issues such as political and social unrest as well as natural disasters and put together a plan based on four specific areas to safe guard Grenada.

Senator Boatswain stated that the Government should look at the areas of:

  1. Upgrading Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Mechanisms
  2. Enhancing our Food Security
  3. Energy Conservation and the fast tracking of Alternative Energy Development
  4. Diversification of our foreign trade and foreign relations

In his take on the domestic situation Senator Boatswain spoke of the ‘blocking’ and ‘ducking’ taking place by the NDC Government on several issues. Describing the NDC Team as a bunch of misfits he spoke of the high level of unemployment that presently exists in Grenada. He made mention of the fact that is was the NDC Government that has thus far blocked the eighty five million dollar St Patrick Port Project, the three hundred and fifty million dollar Louis Hamilton Grenada Grand Beach Project and the twenty million dollar National Stadium Reconstruction Project.

The NNP Team Leader for St Patrick West, called on the NDC Government to roll back the price of LPG to under fifty dollars. He stated that this was more than possible because it had been done before by the NNP Administration at a time when the price of fuel on the world market was higher than it presently is. He asked for the government to at least decrease their intake on fuel to EC$2.25 instead of the present EC$3.00 thereby having an additional EC$0.75 to give back to the people and lower the price on the market. He also called on the NDC Administration to heed the words of his fellow speaker Senator Gregory Bowen and cut back on their various expenses such as exorbitant travel and wages. Boatswain also mentioned the School Book Program which he says can be streamlined to offer books to only the most needy while allowing those who can purchase books for their kids do so. By so doing thousands of dollars can be saved under that program.

Senator Boatswain described the NDC Government as a failure on several issues such as the Delimitation Treaty with Trinidad and Tobago, The CCC Debacle, the untimely implementation of the Value Added Tax, the removal of Safety Net Programs, the reduction in the wages and lengthening of working hours under the De-bushing program, the sending home of IMANI trainees and many more. He also called on the administration to quicken the pace and find solutions to the issues surrounding Clico and the St George’s Renaissance Project.

The New National Party

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