By Hamlet Mark
April 11, 2012 – After a week on the road in Bermuda, I was about to write a blog about how clean and organized that society is, and how much we can learn from them.
Then overnight, I was about to turn my attention to the Bahamas after general elections were announced last night for May 7.
By the time I landed in Ft Lauderdale last night, delayed slightly by Air Force One in the area – and we having to clear the airspace –my phone was filled with messages as soon as I could have gotten a connection to my network.
The theme – did you see MTV News tonight?
Once I eventually got to see it this morning, it was clear to me that Bermuda and Bahamas now have to wait.
Having seen the interview with the Prime Minister, I’ve got one advice for anybody in his cabinet who cares for their political safety – run fast from this burning building; save yourself – and in that process you may just save Grenada too.
There is no saving this government.
I know this is heartbreaking news for people who have worked so hard to usher in change just four years ago. I share that pain too.
But like it is with an old car or a bad woman, as much as you may sentimentally be attached to the situation – you sometimes have to cut your losses and move on.
This is a jihadist suicide mission, led by a self-appointed moral fanatic, who determines who are the infidels that he has to – in his words in the interview – deal with them.
They say politics is the art of compromise.
But Grenada’s Prime Minister has declared he won’t compromise, and he won’t seek unity or consensus.
His views and his stances are bigger than the party or government he leads. Everybody else must follow the leader or be demonized.
“We have to deal with them,” he declares.
This is the same man who once told a party caucus that there is evil in the room – and they have to be gotten rid off.
It is the same man who once said the tough economic times was God’s punishment on Grenadians because they have become too materialistic – rather than as leader try to fashion policies that will ease the burden.
So where do you go from here Glynis Roberts? – the good Catholic that you are? Where do you go from here Michael Lett? Where do you go from here Peter David?
How do you make nice with someone who won’t compromise; with someone who rather lose an election, than figure out a way to settle differences?
How do you reconcile with someone who says in his actions, I don’t care who the constituency branches nominate, there are people I am not running with, and everybody must follow what I want.
If that is not fanaticism, then Bin Laden was a moderate.
And I feel sorry too for the very good people that have given him support so far.
He has some very good people in his corner – and they don’t deserve to be dragged down like this.
I think of three people every time I hear such madness – and for obvious reasons they can’t speak out like I can – but how much all of this should be tearing their committed NDC hearts apart.
I have come to see Franka Bernadine operate and carry herself with class, and I am a big fan. I genuinely think she wants the party to do right and to unite. And she doesn’t deserve to be in a situation like this.
Ann Peters has roots in St Andrew’s South West, as I do – for Union not too far from Munich – and we go back some; and I love her – with no apologies. And I feel really badly she is in this.
So too is Patrick Simmons. That is a good man. We may not agree on many things politically, but his heart is in the right place.
And having spent some time with him in Bermuda these past few days, he too does not deserve to be caught in this.
If the truth be told – this leader has failed both friends and foe (even the imagined ones); just like how Herbert Blaize did Tillman and company in the original New National Party; something the current Prime Minister inappropriately but frankly spoke about at the former’s funeral.
The Grenada Prime Minister and I agree on at least one thing – the party is divided – and after last night, we also agreed that it cannot be fixed.
But boss, as leader, how much responsibility do you claim for this?
How come it’s everybody’s fault, but your own?
At what point will the buck stop with you?
PS 1: Anybody knows this song that say something like – “The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire; we don’t need no water, let tha …… burn.” So who’s going to sing it for me?
PS 2: Pedro, you and Naz seem to be headed back to the same place – compliments your dear leader. Be the first to step into Ciboney Chambers, and while you there, prepare your ‘pardner’s office too.
PS 3: Pedro they’ve said that I am advising you. So how come you so stubborn – I say run fast, your (leader) coming!
PS 4: Doc I hope your cheque for the Prime Minister is in the mail. He has done an excellent job for you as your campaign manager. I think he deserves a raise. (Where is Chester when you need him to fight for hard workers?)