Local News

Routine at senior homes interrupted for good reasons

St. George’s, October 31, 2011 – Residents at two geriatric homes in St. George’s did not complain when their normal Sunday routine was interrupted by more than 60 visitors, including a politician.

That’s because the visitors were on a mission; a mission to treat and to compliment the senior citizens as part of the commemoration of the “Month of the Elderly’’.

The visits – to the Grand Anse Home for the Aged and the Richmond Hill Home for the Aged – were arranged by the River Road/Darbeau Development Committee, in conjunction with Tourism Minister Peter David, MP for the Town of St. George.

At each stop, Mr. David thanked the elderly for the contribution they had made over the years to the development of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

Following the visits, the two buses of visitors – many elderly Grenadians themselves – were taken to the airport site and provided with refreshment.

Mr. David thanked leader, Barbara Simpson, and the members of the River Road/Darbeau Development Committee for their efforts. He promised to continue engaging senior citizens and all others residents of his constituency.

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