Caribbean News

Rousing welcome for PM Thomas and delegation

St. George’s, April 21, 2010 – Grenada’s Prime Minister, Hon. Tillman Thomas, was given a rousing round of applause on his arrival back at Maurice Bishop International Airport in St. George’s Wednesday night after signing a maritime treaty with his Trinidad and Tobago counterpart, Prime Minister Patrick Manning.

The welcoming party included members of cabinet of the ruling National Democratic Congress administration.

With the treaty now signed, it will now go before the cabinet of ministers of Trinidad and Tobago for ratification on Thursday, April 22. The Grenada cabinet is expected to ratify it next week.

The treaty opens the way for Grenada to begin exploitation and exploration for oil and gas in its waters.

The Prime Minister’s delegation that visited Trinidad on Wednesday for the signing of the treaty included Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Peter David; Dr. Carlyle Mitchell and other members of the Grenada Maritime Boundary Commission; and Senators Arley Gill, Chester Humphrey and Chris DeAllie.

Also forming part of the delegation was Jacqueline Lorice Pascal of the Grenada National Organisation of Women, who represented the non-governmental sector at the signing ceremony.

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