Caribbean News


Andrew Holness
Andrew Holness

“We need to deal with internal issues as internal issues. I am not speaking about them. I am totally focused on getting the party machinery organised for the elections.” – Andrew Holness, Leader of the Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (Jamaica Observer)

“We in the Government have to maximize use of our assets. This (tourism) industry is about you. It is those in the industry who will guarantee success of the industry by being involved. We are all in this together. There must be an understanding that we are here for a season. You have to commit yourself to excellence in service.” – Perry Christie, Prime Minister of The Bahamas (The Bahamas Weekly)

“Travelocity is one of the most recognized travel brands in North America, offering thousands of travel destinations to more than 20 million travelers per month. The strategic marketing agreement we’ve had in place has been a marriage of Travelocity’s strong brand with our best-in-class booking platform, supply base, and customer service. Evolving this relationship strengthens the Expedia Inc. family’s ability to continue to innovate and deliver the very best travel experiences to the widest set of travelers, all over the world.” – Dara Khosrowshahi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Expedia, Inc. (Caribbean Journal)

“It is important that we embark on a creative and robust approach to promoting our islands this year while building on the success of last year’s ‘Virgin Islands NICE’ campaign.” – Beverly Nicholson-Doty, Commissioner of Tourism, United States Virgin Islands

“This award marks another first for destination Trinidad and Tobago and reaffirms the TDC’s (Tourism Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago’s) commitment to capitalizing on the value that sustainable growth and development brings to our destination. We will continue to work with the Blue Flag organisation to certify other beaches in Trinidad and Tobago within the coming months.” – Keith Chin, Chief Executive Officer, Tourism Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago.

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” – Maya Angelou, American author

“When you think about symbols of freedom Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Jomo Kenyatta, Malcolm X, Kennedy, Lincoln, Ghandi, Mother Teresa all of them had one thing in common, they loved people and believed in the good of the human race, that humans deserve better than this. But everywhere we have gone in the world, the greatest symbol of freedom is Bob Marley’s face. Jamaica gave the world a guy you got to look up to and when we finally reach Jamaica, we are going to take it really seriously.” – Jacob Hemphill, Lead Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist with the 2015 Grammy nominated US Reggae Band SOJA (For more, read Audio Allspice: Muscial Musings with Pat Meschino

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