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Prime Minister’s address to OECS economic union talks

ST.GEORGE’S, GRENADA _Grenada’s Prime Minister Tillman Thomas has reiterated his call for a “super national body” to govern the affairs of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) if meaningful economic union is to be achieved.

Speaking against the backdrop of the effects of the current global economic crisis on Grenada and the OECS, the Prime Minister said an economic union “without a super national authority” would encounter difficulties.

“We have benefited from functional co-operation, we speak about the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the East Caribbean Court system, bulk purchasing and other areas of co-operation, but what is really needed is a central authority,” the Prime Minister said.

Pointing to the failure to implement an agreed agreed introduction of a cruise ship head tax as one example, the Grenadian leader said history has shown a pattern of unilateral action by OECS member states in the implementation of strategies and actions agreed upon by the heads of governments.

“So the problem is structure. We know the problem. Let us come up with a structure, a supra national structure that would have credibility and authority, so that when a decision is taken, that decision is binding on all the states,” the Prime Minister said.

He called for an easing of the movement of the factors of production among the countries to make the single economic space viable to the populations of all states. Prime Minister Thomas believes there are increased benefits if the sub-region deepens its relationship, especially in single representation at the international level.

He added “I think we have to be practical and realistic in talking about the economic union and the how we unite the region.”

“I would like us to be realistic, to be practical and I believe the decision lies with the Governments. I think the people accept the idea of unity in the OECS states; we are already united in to a certain extent. I think it is the legal frame work we need to address and it is the Governments of the region who, I think, must take the initiative and do what is necessary to facilitate the integration of the region. We must create a region where we are genuinely together,“  The Grenadian leader said.

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