COPENHAGEN, Denmark, December 15, 2009 – Prime Minister and chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Tillman Thomas arrived on Wednesday in a snowy Copenhagen, as world leaders begin gathering for the final week of negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in the Danish Capital.
Prime Minister Thomas, who was met by Danish Foreign Ministry officials along with Grenada’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Dessima Williams, was immediately engaged in briefings with other Caribbean leaders as they prepare to solidify AOSIS’ position in seeking a legally binding outcome.
The informal session, coordinated by the CARICOM Secretariat, was also attended by President Bharrat Jagdeo of Guyana, Prime Minister Stephenson King of St. Lucia, Prime Minister Dean Barrow of Belize, CARICOM’s Secretary-General, Edwin Carrington and Assistant Secretary-General Edward Greene.
Prime Minister Thomas also held discussions with the President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick and later attended the official welcoming ceremony, attended by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and other dignitaries including former United States vice-president Al Gore.
The Prime Minister will attend a briefing for AOSIS ministers on Wednesday before he delivers his speech on behalf of the 43-nation grouping of small islands and low-lying coastal regions.
“I had a meeting with the CARICOM grouping and later I met with the President of the World Bank where we discussed matters relating to Climate Change and also matters relating to Grenada and the CARICOM region in terms of development,” he said.
The Prime Minister is expected to issue a call to all partners to join AOSIS in this effort to make this unique opportunity truly counts. He will also call on world leaders to fulfill this historic responsibility, by taking ambitious and robust decisions.
Mr. Thomas, who is accompanied by Ministers Peter David and Michael Church, is also expected to attend bilateral meetings on Wednesday with Australia, Indonesia, Norway as well as a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban ki-moon.