ST.GEORGE’S, GRENADA, JUNE 7th, 2011_Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas this afternoon left Grenada for New York, where he will attend the United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS, which begins on Wednesday at 9.00AM.
According to Prime Minister Thomas this meeting will discuss ways of strengthening broad national ownership for HIV related programmes and how to engage the community to foster local sustainable solutions to the AIDS epidemic, given its impact on the global environment.
He said the high level meeting will discuss ways of securing long term financing and increase efficiency in fighting the disease.
“Fighting HIV/AIDS is a priority of my government. It is crucial that we provide the education necessary to ensure young people make the right decisions. It is equally important that we continue to support those who may have already contracted HIV,” the Prime Minister said Wednesday.
He noted that the region’s human resource could be severely affected if the spread of HIV/AIDS is not restricted.
The Prime Minister will also attend the launch of a Global Plan for the Elimination for the New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive, which will be attended by former United States President, Bill Clinton.
The Prime Minister is accompanied by Health Minister Hon. Ann Peters and other senior government officials.
While in New York, the Prime Minister will also meet with Grenadian nationals to update them on developments at home.
Finance Minister Hon. Nazim Burke has been appointed to act as Prime Minister.