Heartfelt congratulations to all the students who were successful in the 2019 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA). I know how exciting it is to have arrived at this, but remember, your journey is only just beginning; there is so much more for you to accomplish. Through hard work and dedication, you will continue to achieve good results.
Special commendation must be given to the top student, Kimaya Richards, of the Vendome R. C. School. Kimaya, you have done yourself, your school and your parents proud. Continue to work hard in pursuit of your goals.
The range of success recorded by schools this year illustrate the quality of education available to students across the island. We commend the teachers, principals, administrative staff and all others who are committed to ensuring the success of students and who oftentimes, go beyond the call of duty of make this happen. We salute you.
To the parents and family members of the soon-to-be secondary school students, continue to encourage and motivate them. It is important that you work in tandem with teachers, giving them extra support where necessary, to help ensure that students succeed.
To the churches and members of the clergy, thank you for the critical role you continue to play in molding our young people. Let us continue to hold them in our prayers and work hand in hand with teachers and parents to guide them along the right path.
As a nation, we must bind together to ensure that the legacy we leave to the students of today, will be one worth having. Let us come together in harmony, demonstrating that even as we pursue individual goals, we must work fervently towards building a Grenada of which we can all be proud.
As a Government, we reaffirm our commitment to continuously improving the education sector to enable students and educators alike to maximise the results of their hard work.