St. George’s, Grenada (June 12, 2008) Political parties contesting the July 8th general elections are expected to sign the Civil Society Code of Political Conduct tomorrow Friday. The code drafted by representatives of Civil Society is aimed at creating a political environment within Grenada which promotes free and fair elections, upholds the fundamental rights and freedom of all citizens.
Section 1 of the political code of conduct seeks to get political parties and their candidates including the dependent one to agree firstly to address themselves to issues and principles dealing with national growth, sustainable socio-economic development and concerns of the people, including environmental issues.
Secondly do everything to promote respect, tolerance, harmony and peace amongst their supporters and the general public and finally let their own behavior be a positive example that promotes respect, tolerance, harmony and peace to supporters and the general public during the campaign, the general elections, and in the aftermath of the elections.
It is also asking them to refrain from;
(1) The use of half-truths, lies, innuendos, bribes and threats to gain political advantage,
(2) Say or do anything to invite, encourage or foster hatred, resentment or any form of violence and
(3) Deface public and private property and structures.
A watch dog committee is also established to monitor and evaluate adherence to this Code of Political Conduct by parties and candidates during the campaign process. The signing of the Code of Conduct will take place on Friday June 13th at 10AM at the Flamboyant hotel.
Live on the line to tell us how important is this code in the face of Grenadians going to polls on July 8th is Judy Williams..