Live Cricket Windwards vs Trinidad & Togago
Osprey has added the following sectors to its schedule in order to facilitate those who wish to join in the official celebrations connected to the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to take place on Monday, February 27th 2012: other interested members of the public who may wish to take advantage of the additions to the schedule for this limited time period may also take note.
February 26th 2012 – DepartGrenada06:00pm for Carriacou
February 27th 2012 – Depart Carriacou 06:00 am forGrenada
February 27th 2012 – DepartGrenada06:00pm for Carriacou
February 28th 2012 – Depart Carriacou forGrenada 06:00am
Ospreylines Ltd