Local News

Opposition Members meet with Supervisor of Elections

St. George’s, Grenada, Friday 6th, November 2009: On Thursday 5th. November 2009, a three man delegation from the New National Party, headed by the General Secretary Honourable Roland Bhola, paid a visit to the Parliamentary Elections Office and met with the Supervisor of elections, Ms. Judy Benoit.


A number of important issues relating to and affecting the electoral process were raised. The following are some of the issues raised:



1.                  The timely releasing of addendum to the electoral list and other official documents for public viewing



2.                  Concern that the results of the last election, broken down by polling division have not yet been published.


3.                   All political parties requesting information from the electoral office should be given equal treatment.



Concern that the electoral process has not been followed as it relates to Enumeration. Based on the Law, 2009 should have been an Enumeration year where all voters had to be reregistered. This was supposed to have started in January 2009. The delegation suggested to the Supervisor that she should consult with the Attorney General regarding the issue because it may involve having the law amended to accommodate the postponement of the process. The Supervisor advised the delegation that plans are afoot to begin the process in January 2010.


The meeting ended with both sides giving their commitment to work together in an atmosphere of fairness to ensure that the electoral process is transparent and above board.

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