Local News


Tuesday 19th April, 2011: As the New National Party (NNP) Opposition continues its round of weekly meetings with various stakeholders around the island, the call has once again gone out for increased youth participation in the agricultural sector. The call came at a meeting between the Opposition and members of the St David farming and fishing community at the La Sagesse Natural Works.

The meeting which was attended by  Opposition Leader, Dr.  Keith Mitchell and Shadow Minister of Agriculture Honorable Roland Bhola saw informative discussions between the farmers/fishermen and the opposition team.

Mr. Roland Bhola spoke of the continued need for the involvement of youth in the agricultural sector and the importance of finding new and innovative ways of enticing them into the field. Bhola stated that it was necessary to integrate the use of technology into the agricultural field as a means of improving production and ensuring that youth see the sector as a viable alternative.

The Shadow Minister of Agriculture’s statements were echoed by the Former Prime Minister as he spoke of the need for a change in attitude and the way farming is done. Dr. Mitchell spoke of the folly of continuing to do the same things in the same way and expecting different results. He said that considering the present state of the farming industry in Grenada what are immediately needed are concrete solutions with long term planning.

The farmers and fishermen also echoed the need for deeper youth involvement in the agricultural and fishing sectors as well as many other issues which are seriously affecting their ability to produce high quality goods and find markets. These include the availability and price of fertilizer, animal feed and planting materials, proper irrigation, pest infestation and once again the availability of markets and the possibility for agro-industries to be set up to use excess produce.

There was also a call for the preservation of specific crops such as breadfruit and coconut by the farmers. A special appeal was made by one farmer who lost fifteen (15) animals in a twenty four hour period due to attacks from the dogs of neighbors. This coupled with praedial larceny continues to be of great concern as it is perceived by the farmers that the present government is not effectively dealing with these issues as they continue to suffer weekly losses. The Opposition continues its series of discussions with stakeholders over the coming weeks and months around the island.

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