Local News


Tuesday 19th April 2011: On Friday April 15th, 2011 the Grenada Conference of Churches held discussions with Her Majesty’s Opposition on various issues of national importance. The delegation from the Conference of Churches led by Canon Christian Glasgow the Archdeacon of the Anglican Church in Grenada, as well as representatives of other faiths met with Leader of the Opposition Dr.  Keith Mitchell and NNP Team Leader for South St George, Mrs. Alexandra Otway Noel on Friday 15th April 2011 at the Norton Hall in St George.

The discussion focused on the many issues confronting the people of Grenada as the members of the Conference of Churches spoke of their concern with the present economic situation in Grenada and its impact on the average Grenadian. Other issues discussed were the welfare of the nation’s youth, unemployment, high food prices, the present state of tourism, agriculture and health care.

The issue of the present charged political climate also came up for discussion as the Grenada Conference of Churches sought to common ground between the islands two major political parties. Former Prime Minister and Political Leader of the New National Party, (NNP), Dr. the Right Honorable Keith Mitchell pointed out that the NNP has always demonstrated its willingness to work with the Government and all concerned for national development.

He made mention of his continued call on the Government for a more open consultative process and an end to the politics of hate and spite. The Opposition Leader made specific mention of the many attempts to character assassinate, himself and members of his party by members of the ruling administration as one of the main issues creating a continued atmosphere of division among Grenadians. He also spoke of this continued attitude by the administration as being a major contributor to Grenada’s present economic situation. He mentioned projects such as the Grand Beach Resort Project, The Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) issue, as well as Greater Grenville Project among others as being directly affected.

Dr. Mitchell gave his assurance to work along with the Conference of Churches to find ways of moving Grenada forward and getting the Government and Opposition working closer for national development. The meeting is yet another in the series of consultations presently taking place between the Opposition and various sectors of the Grenadian society.

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